joewez / MPRemoteEditor

A simple Windows IDE for developing with MicroPython MPRemote devices
MIT License
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Internal REPL can't read the REPL from internal USB #1

Open Wind-stormger opened 2 years ago

Wind-stormger commented 2 years ago

When the internal USB of esp32-s2, esp32-s3 and esp32-c3 is used to output the REPL information, the internal REPL function cannot work normally.

At present, most micropython firmware of esp32-s2, esp32-s3 and esp32-c3 uses internal USB to output repl. ports/esp32/boards/sdkconfig.usb

However, when using UART to output REPL and connecting to the computer through USB to serial chip, the internal REPL can be used normally.

Moreover, by using external repl, such as putty, you can read the repl of the internal USB output of the device.

But I really hope that I can use internal repl to output all the information.šŸ‘

MPRemoteEditor.exe.config :

    <!-- ************* -->
    <!-- REPL Settings -->
    <!-- ************* -->
    <!-- I = Internal, E = External -->
    <add key="REPL" value="I" />
    <!-- Internal -->
    <add key="TerminalFont" value="Courier New" />
    <add key="TerminalFontSize" value="11" />
    <add key="TerminalBackColor" value="Black" />
    <add key="TerminalForeColor" value="DarkSeaGreen" />

    <!-- External - PuTTY Example 
    <add key="TerminalApp" value="putty" />
    <add key="TerminalAppArgs" value="-load &quot;mpremoteeditor&quot; -serial {PORT}" />
    <add key="TerminalAppTitle" value="PuTTY" />-->

    <!-- External - TeraTerm Example 
    <add key="TerminalApp" value="ttermpro.exe"/>
    <add key="TerminalAppArgs" value="/C={PORTNUM}"/>
    <add key="TerminalAppTitle" value="Tera" />
joewez commented 2 years ago
