joewing / jwm

Joe's Window Manager
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Fullscreen windows pushed "below" when 2 or more trays are used #169

Closed just22 closed 9 years ago

just22 commented 9 years ago


I noticed that using multiple trays (e.g., one as panel and the other for reserving some space on the top of the screen), the "fullscreen" action doesn't work as expected: the window is expanded, but it is pushed below all the other ones.

The problem should be easily reproducible (I'm using JWM 2.2.2, OpenBSD 5.7-current), if that's not the case I'll try to report more details concerning my configuration.

All the best

joewing commented 9 years ago

By pushed below, do you mean in the stacking order or in the x-y plane? The way maximization is implemented, windows will not maximize over trays unless the trays are in a layer below the window being maximized.

just22 commented 9 years ago

Hello Joe,

the window that I want in fullscreen is maximized, but it ends up covered by all the other opened (and not iconic) windows, and the trays are over it too. So this is definitely related to the stacking order.

The problem disappear when I use only one tray.

joewing commented 9 years ago

I’m having some trouble reproducing this. Does it only happen with a particular program? If not, would you mind sending me your JWM configuration? It might be worth a shot to see if it still happens with a recent snapshot of JWM to see if the problem is still there.

just22 commented 9 years ago

Hi Joe,

it happens with all applications (I tried xterm, xpdf, mplayer and a bunch of others).

This is my .jwmrc (along with a couple of shoots that should clarify the problem):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

``` conky -x 0 -y 1 -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc-statusline /usr/local/libexec/tray-app/sound -i /usr/local/libexec/tray-app/eject -i xterm dia firefox gimp xterm -e mutt ooffice pidgin rhythmbox /usr/local/xilinx/bin/ise gxine xcalc xfontsel xmag gksudo synaptic xprop | xmessage -file - xscreensaver-command -activate xterm xconsole root:1 showdesktop exec:xfe /vol exec:ytdl-smplayer $(xclip -o) xclock exec:apm -z exec:apm -Z DejaVu Sans-8 2 18 white #70849d:#2e3a67 black 1.0 #aaaaaa #808488:#303438 black 0.5:0.9:0.1 DejaVu Sans-8 black gray80:gray90 black gray90:gray80 DejaVu Sans-8 gray90 black 0.75 black gray90 #808488 #70849d #2e3a67 DejaVu Sans-8 black gray90 white #70849d:#2e3a67 0.85 DejaVu Sans-8 black black yellow DejaVu Sans Mono-8 /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/48x48/places /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/48x48/apps /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/48x48/actions /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/48x48/devices /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/ #073642:#586E75 400 2 sloppy border outline outline desktop# close maximize minimize fullscreen next root:1 window exec:xterm -e "man jwm" exec: exec:xterm exec:xterm -e "tmux attach-session -d || tmux new-session" exec:chrome exec:arandr exec:apm -z exec:apm -Z exec:iExec xterm -title "Mail client" -e mutt exec:xfe exec:transmission-gtk exec:xloxk exec:change-perfpolicy up down right left select escape ```

before_fullscreen after_fullscreen

bbidulock commented 9 years ago

I noticed this a while back too, but with JWM's tray at the bottom and a separate EWMH tray at the top. Might be a bug in work area calculations. With regard to stacking, wmspec-1.5 says that fullscreen windows with the keyboard focus are to be stacked above all other (normal) windows.

joewing commented 9 years ago

I think this is working now. Feel free to re-open if it's still broken.