joexn / LegacyCSS

Legacy CSS - Modern and Lightweight CSS Framework
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Will Legacy ever be stable? #36

Closed nloveladyallen closed 8 years ago

nloveladyallen commented 8 years ago

The first release of Legacy, 1.9, was on April 9. Today, less than three months later, we're on Legacy 4.1, and plans for Legacy 5 have already been mentioned. Every major release so far has been a complete rewrite. Will Legacy ever become stable? It's hard to become invested in a project if it's being rewritten from the ground up literally every month.

joexn commented 8 years ago

I am currently experimenting with different way's people can use Legacy and the way they can customise it. The only part of Legacy 4 that was rewritten was the .btn classes (this time I used more advanced SASS) and it dropped the line count down from around 200 to 47 and the input classes are still being worked on.

I am still testing to see what is the best way to do things. Legacy 5 won't be out for at least 2 months, In this version I want to make sure everything is done how it should be. I want to introduce a stable framework but for now I am not sure what Legacy is headed, the most efficient way hasn't been found.

I know that the version system is a little stupid as we are on 4.1, like you said, three months after it started development.

I am not sure whether I should put all the previous releases as Beta releases and start again, 1.0 being released next and it being a fully stable version. I recently invested in a Macbook so when I travel I will be able to work on Legacy full time.

What do you think I should do?

runofthemill commented 8 years ago

@joexn take a look at Semantic Versioning. Perhaps start using that on version 5, so the next release would be 5.0.1 or something close to that. Many large open source projects are using it, and it's a very good system if you stick to it.

joexn commented 8 years ago

I will defiantly do that. The issue is with the previous releases, all are unusable as they contain so many issues. I am not sure if I should make them development versions and start again on 1.0.0 as I don't think Legacy is stable enough to be considered a web framework. What do you think @runofthemill?

nloveladyallen commented 8 years ago

The only part of Legacy 4 that was rewritten was the .btn classes

OK, I was under the impression each major version so far had been a complete rewrite. In that case, I agree with Jeremy that Legacy 4.0 probably should have been 3.4, and 4.1 should have been 3.5.

I am not sure whether I should put all the previous releases as Beta releases and start again, 1.0 being released next and it being a fully stable version.

I'm not really in favor of "rewriting history," so I'd say if you want to do this you should start over with a new name, new domain (:money_with_wings:), etc. On the other hand, changing names isn't really what comes to mind for a stable, reliable framework. :confused:

In addition, you should have beta releases to avoid stuff like the font issue with 4.0. 4.0 should have been released as 4.0b1 (or 4.0rc1) and 4.1 should have been 4.0b2, and eventually been released as an official version if no more issues were found.

georgejenkins commented 8 years ago

+1 for semantic versioning. I recommend rescinding version 4 for now - change it to 4.0rc1 until you work out the kinks. That way you aren't trashing the history and can continue with what you have.

georgejenkins commented 8 years ago

Furthermore - consider a concrete definition of features in version 4 so the features remain consistent throughout the release. You can branch for version 5 and merge on with the master branch release. That way your development branch can worked on while v4 remains stable.

joexn commented 8 years ago

@nloveladyallen @runofthemill @georgejenkins

This is what will happen..

The Legacy 4.0 release will be deleted and so will the Legacy 4.1 release. They just are not stable. Themes and Templates will be taken off the website temporarily until a fully stable version is released. The whole legacy-core.sass idea will be scraped. There will be one file which will serve as the only SASS file, this way it is just easier for everyone (i don't know why I decided to go for multiple SASS files anyway). You will be able to edit all the variables in one file.

When Legacy is stable, it will be released as 4.0 - This will be once EVERYTHING is checked and working and STABLE.

Starting with 4.0 - Legacy will be using Semantic Versioning, something which will make life so much easier but 4.0 needs a lot of work to make it a full framework.

If you need proof that Legacy is no where near complete, check out and check the forms section... The inputs are laughable.

For the last time, Legacy will be fully checked, making sure every single class and element preforms as necessary CROSS BROWSER.

I am now going to delete everything from the master branch, and creating a 'dev' branch where Legacy 4.0 alpha will sit for now.

I am going to take two weeks, getting everything ready.. running extensive tests too.

I am also awaiting my new Macbook, my PC keeps crashing while working with GitHub.. While I wait for it to be delivered I am going to be writing out a full plan of where Legacy will be headed and what I want Legacy to become.

Addressing what you just said @georgejenkins - I will use the master branch as the latest stable branch and I'll make a 'dev' branch.. Something that was scraped before.