phyloseq is a set of classes, wrappers, and tools (in R) to make it easier to import, store, and analyze phylogenetic sequencing data; and to reproducibly share that data and analysis with others. See the phyloseq front page:
I have a phyloseq object (ps3) containing only bacteria found at least 3 times in at least 2 samples
> ps3
phyloseq-class object at experiment level
otu_table() OTU table: [ 6362 taxa and 216 samples ].
sample_data() Sample data: [ 216 samples by 16 sample variables ]
tax_table() Taxonomy table: [ 6362 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ].
refseq() DNAStringSet: [ 6362 reference sequences ]
Among my 216 samples, some are soil and some are lichen. I want to know which taxa of bacteria belong to each type of sample. For that, I have separated my phyloseq object :
The sum of the number of taxa in the soil (phyloseq object ps3_soil = 5303 taxa) and lichen (phyloseq object ps3_lic = 1799 taxa) does not match the number of taxa in the phyloseq object (phyloseq object ps3 = 6362 taxa).
Please, could you please tell me why ? Is this normal ? I thought that it might be expalined because of the shared taxa present in both soil and lichen.
Thank you for the software! any comment will be wellcome!
Hi all,
I have a phyloseq object (ps3) containing only bacteria found at least 3 times in at least 2 samples
Among my 216 samples, some are soil and some are lichen. I want to know which taxa of bacteria belong to each type of sample. For that, I have separated my phyloseq object :
The sum of the number of taxa in the soil (phyloseq object ps3_soil = 5303 taxa) and lichen (phyloseq object ps3_lic = 1799 taxa) does not match the number of taxa in the phyloseq object (phyloseq object ps3 = 6362 taxa).
Please, could you please tell me why ? Is this normal ? I thought that it might be expalined because of the shared taxa present in both soil and lichen.
Thank you for the software! any comment will be wellcome!