joey711 / phyloseq

phyloseq is a set of classes, wrappers, and tools (in R) to make it easier to import, store, and analyze phylogenetic sequencing data; and to reproducibly share that data and analysis with others. See the phyloseq front page:
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Issue creating phyloseq object #1660

Closed moriahy closed 1 year ago

moriahy commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to create a phyloseq object from qiime2 artifacts, but when I run the code below, I get the error:

Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class “sample_data” object: Sample Data must have non-zero dimensions.

physeq <- qza_to_phyloseq( features = "16S-2021-merged-dada2table.qza", taxonomy = "16S-taxonomy.qza", metadata = "bacterial_2021_metadata.csv")

Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 11 17 06 AM

I've tried to figure this out and it looks like other people have had this same issue before but I'm not having any luck.

In addition: This is what the taxonomy file looks like (as a .csv)

Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 11 19 01 AM

And this is what my dada2table looks like (as a .csv) Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 11 51 08 AM