joey711 / phyloseq

phyloseq is a set of classes, wrappers, and tools (in R) to make it easier to import, store, and analyze phylogenetic sequencing data; and to reproducibly share that data and analysis with others. See the phyloseq front page:
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Heatmap color fade #1756

Open goodguynickpt opened 3 weeks ago

goodguynickpt commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, everyone!

I hope everyone's having a good day!

I am currently attempting to obtain a heatmap of my data. Even though I have (somewhat) suceeded, it is somewhat unpleasant to look at. I would like to have the colors fade from blue to red (depending on the abundance), but I have not been able to get it to work.

As of right now, I have these two hedious heatmaps: Heatmap_top30_families heatmap_top50_families

They are not easy to read with these many families.

I am currently using this code:


11. Heatmap


Family Only

ps_family <- tax_glom(ps, taxrank = "Family"); ps_family #swap family for whichever taxa is needed family_abundance <- taxa_sums(ps_family) # Calculate the total abundance of each family top_families <- names(sort(family_abundance, decreasing = TRUE))[1:50] # Select the top 100 families based on their abundance ps_top100 <- prune_taxa(top_families, ps_family) # Subset the phyloseq object to include only these top 100 families

Plotting using the phyloseq built-in plotting function

plot_heatmap(ps_top100, method = "NMDS", distance ="bray", sample.label = "Codes", # X axis taxa.label = "Family", # Y axis sample.order = (1:12)) # orders the samples

taxa.order = "Family"

         # )

I have also tried the following script to make it fade from color to color but to no avail (I get the exact same map):


11. Heatmap


Ensure correct packages are installed and loaded

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("BiocManager") } if (!requireNamespace("phyloseq", quietly = TRUE)) { BiocManager::install("phyloseq") } if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { install.packages("ggplot2") }

Load the necessary packages

library(phyloseq) library(ggplot2)

Family Only

ps_family <- tax_glom(ps, taxrank = "Family") # Aggregate at the Family level family_abundance <- taxa_sums(ps_family) # Calculate the total abundance of each family top_families <- names(sort(family_abundance, decreasing = TRUE))[1:50] # Select the top 50 families based on their abundance ps_top100 <- prune_taxa(top_families, ps_family) # Subset the phyloseq object to include only these top 50 families

Correct labels

correct_labels <- paste0(metadata$Sample, "-", metadata$Tissue, "-", metadata$Infection)

Ensure that the correct labels are assigned to the sample data

sample_data(ps_top100)$correct_labels <- correct_labels

Plotting using the phyloseq built-in plotting function and modify the ggplot object

p <- plot_heatmap(ps_top100, method = "NMDS", distance = "bray", sample.label = "correct_labels", # Use the custom labels column taxa.label = "Family", # Y axis sample.order = sample_data(ps_top100)$correct_labels) # Use custom labels for ordering

Modify the color gradient in the ggplot object

p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red", na.value = "white") # Set NA values to white if needed

Display the plot


Does anyone know how to fix my code in order to achieve this? Thank you so much!

Cheers, João Lucas