phyloseq is a set of classes, wrappers, and tools (in R) to make it easier to import, store, and analyze phylogenetic sequencing data; and to reproducibly share that data and analysis with others. See the phyloseq front page:
I am trying to get the CAP1, CAP2 and bacterial loading values from a capscale.phyloseq ordination object and look at bacterial contributions to beta-diversity.
I assume "wa" values are being multiplied by a specific value, but I cannot find which.
This is relevant as I am interested in the bacterial contributions to CAP1 and CAP2 by using the values in:
I am wondering whether the "v" values are compared to "wa" values or to those obtained from phyloseq::plot_ordination.
I am trying to get the CAP1, CAP2 and bacterial loading values from a capscale.phyloseq ordination object and look at bacterial contributions to beta-diversity.
The above two plots are consistent (see attached), but I get a different scale (but the same pattern) using:
I assume "wa" values are being multiplied by a specific value, but I cannot find which. This is relevant as I am interested in the bacterial contributions to CAP1 and CAP2 by using the values in:
I am wondering whether the "v" values are compared to "wa" values or to those obtained from phyloseq::plot_ordination.