Closed NinaKons closed 7 years ago
@benjjneb do you have a suggestion here?
Yes, this is the intended use of merge_phyloseq
. The sample names from the two phyloseq objects should not overlap. The taxa_names
for the same RSV must be the same. Your sample_data
should have a variable that indicates which assay type generated each sample (for your sanity).
The fact of not including a tree (yet) is fine, as there is no good way to merge two trees that I'm aware. If someone shows me one I'd love to support it, though. Once you have the final set of RSV sequences, you can then compute a tree and add to the combined phyloseq object.
Hi Joey,
I have just started looking at the phyloseq code and was wandering how can I merge and split 2 phyloseq objects based on the sampel_IDs in the metadata table?
Split or subset this common phyloseq object
Load 3 input files generated via DADA2 pipeline
seqtab.nochim <- readRDS("/home/ubuntu/work/cDNA/trimmed/seqtab.rds") # Chimer-removed RSV table tax <- readRDS("/home/ubuntu/work/cDNA/trimmed/tax.rds") # Taxonomy table mt <- read.csv(file="metadata.csv", header=TRUE) # Metadata
Phyloseq object
ps_DNA <- phyloseq(otu_table(seqtab.nochim_sp, taxa_are_rows = FALSE), tax_table(tax), sample_data(mt))
Remove unclassified taxa and reduce sparsity
physeq_DNA <- subset_taxa(ps_DNA, Kingdom != "k__unclassified") physeq_DNA <- prune_taxa(taxa_sums(ps_DNA) > 0 , ps_DNA)
Can apply the same code to cDNA dataset and try to merge the 2 phyloseq objects:
ps_merge <- merge_phyloseq(physeq_DNA, physeq_cDNA)
But, have not tested whether merge_phyloseq can merge 2 phyloseq objects or found this case in the tutorial (
Subset DNA and cDNA with the same samples
sub_ps_same_samples = subset_samples(ps_merged, mt_DNA$Short_name = mt_cDNA$Short_name)
Split the subsetted phyloseq object
sub_ps_DNA = subset_samples(sub_ps_same_samples, Short_name = mt_DNA$Short_name) sub_ps_cDNA = subset_samples(sub_ps_same_samples, Short_name = mt_cDNA$Short_name)
Many thanks in advance!