joeycastillo / Sensor-Watch

A board replacement for the classic Casio F-91W wristwatch
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WIP switching RTC to count32 (vs clock) #345

Open wryun opened 6 months ago

wryun commented 6 months ago

The RTC has three modes, COUNT16, COUNT32 and CLOCK.

CLOCK is nice, in that it:

However, it doesn't support more than 1 sec granularity. This makes things like a stopwatch (or time systems that don't use seconds) annoying, and also makes it harder for us to set it appropriately (see hackwatch).

If we use COUNT32 instead, we get up to 1024Hz granularity (with the 1024Hz oscillator configured). This commit has it set to 256Hz.



wryun commented 6 months ago

Interested in any thoughts on the approach, and whether it's ok to drop CLOCK support entirely (as this PR does).

matheusmoreira commented 4 months ago

This looks really promising.

CLOCK is nice, in that it:

  • allows one to set a number of alarms

So how big a deal is this?

Movement could have a queue of alarms sorted by delta to current time. When an alarm fires, a scheduler overwrites the RTC comparison register with the time of the next alarm in the queue after the current alarm has been processed.

There's something I can't figure out from the documentation. The RTC section only ever talks about COMP0 and ALARM0, suggesting there's only one register for both. The block diagrams though say ALARMn and COMPn, suggesting there are many. I can't figure out which one is true, seems to be ambiguous. If there are many COMPn registers, it should be possible to set multiple hardware alarms in COUNT32 mode as well.

The CLOCK mode does provide masking registers which make it efficient to match seconds, minutes, hours. This would have to be replicated in software.

we lose the in-built periodic alarms. At the moment, we're only using these for the 1minute wake from sleep operation, which could be replaced by a COMP check (TODO!)

potentially, power consumption (I suspect not, since the internals have to deal with the 1024Hz oscillator and the events based on this anyway, but ...)

Can you elaborate on this?

The data sheet says system ticks are supposed to be implemented using the prescaler interrupts which are independent of RTC counter resolution:

The RTC prescaler can generate interrupts and events at periodic intervals, allowing flexible system tick creation.

Periodic events are independent of the prescaler setting used by the RTC counter

Does movement implement it differently? I haven't read that part of the code base yet.

joeycastillo commented 4 months ago

This is a case where I feel pretty strongly that Movement shouldn't go this direction. CLOCK mode is baked pretty deeply into the assumptions not just around how Movement should work, but around how the lower-level watch library was designed. One important note is that the idea of an “alarm” to the RTC is different from the user-facing concept of “setting an alarm”: in the context of the RTC peripheral, an alarm is simply something that can wake the device from a sleep mode, via an interrupt. The RTC peripheral offers us three ways to wake up: the periodic tick, the single alarm/comparison, and the external wake via button press.

When imagining how this device would be used, I specifically wanted to be able to wake on periodic ticks when in wake mode, and to be able to wake either once per minute or via a button press when in low energy mode. Configuring the RTC in CLOCK mode lets us set a recurring interrupt at the top of the minute, all with a simple bit mask that's set once at boot and never needs to change. Moving instead to COUNT32 would mean that we can only match on an absolute number of seconds or ticks, which means that as soon as the interrupt fires, we'd have to reset it to match 60 seconds later, or risk not having the device wake at all.

To be clear I have no objection to some alternate firmware concept using the RTC peripheral in this way; I just don't think it makes sense for the main Movement firmware. A consistent, set-and-forget wake at the top of each minute in CLOCK mode grants us a great deal of versatility: in addition to enabling the once-per-minute update in low energy mode, it also allows all watch faces to configure any number of alarms or interactions that happen at the top of the minute. Moving to COUNT32 would require a lot of complexity to replicate this functionality, and I'm reluctant to risk a glitch that breaks the main function of the watch in exchange for sub-second granularity. It would be nice. But it's not a tradeoff I want to make in Movement.

matheusmoreira commented 4 months ago

I understand your concerns. I saw that the CLOCK mode provides built-in masking but hadn't considered its impact on the reliability of the watch.

I suppose the prescaler interrupts can't be used because they are always powers of two.

wryun commented 4 months ago

Agree with Joey's concerns, but I'd take minor issue with:

Moving to COUNT32 would require a lot of complexity to replicate this functionality...

I think it's not going to be that much code to do the COMP check and replicate the 1-minute notification to all faces. I say, having not actually written the code :)

The other thing to note is that - at least when I last looked - I don't think a single other face was using the alarm configurability, just relying on the background wake. Sounds cool, but in practice no-one has found a use for this.

joeycastillo commented 4 months ago

I don't think a single other face was using the alarm configurability, just relying on the background wake.

I think the point here is that every face does rely pretty deeply on the one-minute wake, currently enabled by the alarm masked for an interrupt at :00. It's the way that Movement enables background tasks (which the temperature log uses), and the way it updates the display when in low energy mode, which gets to the heart of the watch being useful at a glance. Also, as a side note, I am unsure how this faster tick would impact battery life, and even if the change could be made without any risk to the user experience, I would want to do fairly significant power profiling before being comfortable with it.

Again, all I'll say is that I am very wary of merging a change like this to Movement and the low-level watch library, whereas if it were a different app that managed the RTC directly, without making these kinds of deep changes that in my mind introduce risk, I would be open to it. Maybe consider forking Movement and a couple of watch faces into a separate app in the apps folder, just to have a place for interested folks to test this out without pushing such a profound change to everyone?

matheusmoreira commented 3 months ago

Related discussion:

@wryun and @zzm634 should combine efforts!

RTC/COUNT32 could have its hardware timer comparator register multiplexed between multiple software timers, all we need is a way to dequeue the timer nearest to completion and @theAlexes have suggested radix timers as a possible solution. Every time a timer is started, stopped or fired, the next one would be scheduled for interruption in the RTC. Then faces would be able to flexibly schedule functions for execution.

We must keep in mind @joeycastillo's concerns over reliability of the watch. I assume the frequency/resolution of the RTC counter is irrelevant for power consumption, and that only the frequency of interrupts is irrelevant since they wake up the CPU. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If we can make this facility reliable, then the watch face's minutely low power screen updates will be just one timer among many. Perhaps we could somehow make that time keeping function of the watch a high priority timer or interrupt.

matheusmoreira commented 3 months ago

I believe this is the critical issue we need to solve:

as soon as the interrupt fires, we'd have to reset it to match 60 seconds later, or risk not having the device wake at all

In other words, we must ensure that movement's fundamental time keeping function is maintained at all times. I believe this could be accomplished by disabling interrupts when scheduling the timers so that this critical functionality cannot be preempted.