joeyespo / grip

Preview GitHub files locally before committing them.
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Misleading "GitHub Rate Limit Reached" error notification page. #258

Open fx-pro opened 6 years ago

fx-pro commented 6 years ago

My MD file didn't work with Grip, only "GitHub Rate Limit Reached" appear in result localhost page. I spent about two hours work around to find out why.

I tried Basic Auth, and there is a different error notification page appear. It made me strongly believe that there's a change in GitHub API policy...

But I later found out those two error pages both came from "grip/grip/templates/limit.html", an if-else pre-built page.

Spending more time, finally, I figured out my MD file didn't work because it's simply exceeded 400KB github limit for MD file.

Grip error notification "GitHub Rate Limit Reached" is completely misleading.

Please fix the "grip/grip/templates/limit.html" file accordingly.


frozenpandaman commented 6 years ago

Seems related, so I'm posting this here, but let me know if I should open a separate issue instead…

When using --user and --pass for basic auth, since I received the "GitHub Rate Limit Reached" message, I'm running into a 500 Internal Server Error, and the following message is displayed in the console:

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:

Is this because of two-factor authentication, so basic auth doesn't work?

fx-pro commented 6 years ago

@joeyespo It may not be a bug but a misleading error notification; just add a few line of code (if else) to better cover responced error from Github API