joeyespo / grip

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`grip --quiet` does not seem to be quiet #293

Open ABrambleNinja opened 5 years ago

ABrambleNinja commented 5 years ago

Hi, Firstly, thanks for making this! I really appreciate this utility.

When I run grip doc/, it functions as expected:

$ grip doc/ 
 * Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on http://localhost:6419/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

However, when I give it the --quiet flag, it prints all of the above minus one line:

$ grip doc/ --quiet
 * Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off

I'm happy to submit a PR to fix this if this isn't intended behavior (if it is, then that's totally fine, just wanted to know!)

joeyespo commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I'd consider this a bug. Happy to take a fix. (Note that these messages come from Flask / Werkzeug.)

Thanks for the issue, @ABrambleNinja!