joeyespo / grip

Preview GitHub files locally before committing them.
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Non-Specific CSS in grip #338

Open SuchithSridhar opened 3 years ago

SuchithSridhar commented 3 years ago

When exporting to HTML using the --export and the --no-inline (since with inline the file size is insane...) the CSS files used for the rendering of the page include: behaviors, frameworks, github, site Out of these, in the frameworks CSS file, the code is super unspecific and affects the entire webpage. This causes a problem if you want to add content into the HTML after exporting the HTML. The fix is as simple as prefixing all the CSS code with the .page class since the entire content of the HTML is wrapped in a <div class=page> anyway. I've done this for my frameworks CSS file and it has no issues.

I understand that this is not an important file and it's just setting the stage for grip, but it's a file with over 15k lines of CSS... I really don't wanna have to think about how it's affecting my page.

Thanks for the amazing project! Has been really useful!