joeyklee / bc-climate-explorer

This is the current working repo of the bc-climate-explorer
MIT License
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Feasibility of a Climate Explorer for Europe #9

Open cmahony opened 7 years ago

cmahony commented 7 years ago

@joeyklee @kevinkl During our last skype meeting, kevin raised an interest in doing a similar tool for germany. I looked into whether there are the essential data out there to do this. the answer is YES! In my opinion, it would be great to do the tool at the european scale, to capture a broad diversity of climates and climate change trajectories, and a bigger user community. there are two components we need: climate data and climatic zones.

  1. Climate data: available at ClimateEU. it's in the same format as our data for BC. the only thing missing is time series data for the future projections, so our projections would have to be generalized, unless i generated our own downscaled time series (lots of work but not impossible).

  2. climate zonation: the European Environmental Stratification has 84 climatic zones that are further divided based on elevation. this sounds like exactly what we need. i have contacted the authors to try to get the spatial data, and also asked some other folks in europe for confirmation that this is the best zonation system for our purposes.

great success!

kevinkl commented 7 years ago

That are awesome news. Thanks for researching that!

cmahony commented 7 years ago

I recieved the European stratification spatial data and it looks decent. still waiting to get an independent opinion on its utility.