joferkington / scipy2014-3d_seismic

Data and ipython notebook for my talk at Scipy2014.
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Segy file to Vol file #2

Open farzanullah opened 5 years ago

farzanullah commented 5 years ago

Dear Mr. Kington,

The code you have provided seems to be very useful for visualization of seismic data.

I have a SEGY file. Can you please tell how to convert segy file to vol file to be used with geoprobe library?

Regards, Mohammad Farzanullah

joferkington commented 5 years ago

@farzanullah - The code in these demos works with "raw" numpy arrays. You can load the data in using any python SEGY library. You don't need to convert it to .vol.

You'll notice that geoprobe.volume is being used to read in the data. That's only because the data here was in Geoprobe format. The geoprobe library converts the Geoprobe format data into numpy arrays, which are then used for visualization.

If you use any of the various python SEGY readers (I'd recommend segyio these days - it didn't exist when this demo was written) to read in your data, you'll have it as a numpy array, and then can use the methods outlined here.

Hope that helps!