Open DarkReitor opened 4 years ago
Dear @DarkReitor the solution was provided by @roltsolen in the same forum. It worked for me. Please try the same.
Comment is by someone else, but it helped me. So you can try it for yourself. If you need help just let me know. "Hello my good friends here is the solution to the loop. Steps:
Visit your trape folder. 2 Open the core folder and you'll find Open the folder and do what I'll illustrate. Do this : find: v = '{\n\t"ngrok_token" : "' + c_nGrokToken + '",\n\t"gmaps_api_key" : "' + c_gMapsToken + '",\n\t"gshortener_api_key" : "' + c_gOoglToken + '"\n\t"ipinfo_api_key" : "' + c_ipinfo + '",\n}' replace with: v = '{\n\t"ngrok_token" : "' + c_nGrokToken + '",\n\t"gmaps_api_key" : "' + c_gMapsToken + '",\n\t"gshortener_api_key" : "' + c_gOoglToken + '",\n\t"ipinfo_api_key" : "' + c_ipinfo + '"\n}'