johanmazoyer / Asterix
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update header matrices + saved thd-control version #169

Closed johanmazoyer closed 1 month ago

johanmazoyer commented 9 months ago

1) Lot of header change in most fits saved :

a / Added the config is all saved matrices. Created specific fonctions to identify name_header_efc_matrix and name_header_pwp_matrix to specifically identify kw important for each matrix. Based on these kw, the matrix are recalculated or not (this is more selective than the name of matrix that was used until now)/

b/ Date and hour of saving is also saved in header["date_mat"]

c/ Finally Added a kw : header["MODELSIM"] = 'asterix' in all matrices Referenced in this issue in thd-controls package

3) we also save the matrices in the thd-controls format, see

johanmazoyer commented 9 months ago

Still need to test in thd-control in degraded mode (all actuator used), I'll do that monday