johanmeijer / grott

Growatt inverter monitor
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Incorrect decoding for MIN 3600TL-X inverter? #443

Open martijntonies opened 9 months ago

martijntonies commented 9 months ago

Hello Johan,

I've installed the homeassistant-grott add-on with MQTT etc. But it seems the record decoding is somewhat off.

Here are values I'm receiving, the ones in bold are puzzling me. Let me know if I can help.

pvstatus: 1 pvpowerin: 3355 // 335,5W > as per Growatt Dash pv1voltage: 1748 pv1current: 8 pv1watt: 1404 // 140,4W pv2voltage: 1760 pv2current: 11 pv2watt: 1951 // 195,1W pvpowerout: 0 pvfrequentie: 0 pvgridvoltage: 2353 pvgridcurrent: 0 pvgridpower: 0 pvgridvoltage2: 0 pvgridcurrent2: 0 pvgridpower2: 0 pvgridvoltage3: 0 pvgridcurrent3: 262 pvgridpower3: 742588416 totworktime: 9097 eactoday: 20462 // eac-to-day? pvenergytoday: 20462 // pvenergy-to-day? or "this day"? weird value eactotal: 1 epvtotal: 6553600 // what is this value? epv1today: 1 epv1total: 11365 // string 1 total kWh epv2today: 0 // string 2 missing data epv2total: 0 pvtemperature: 234 pvipmtemperature: 0 pvboosttemp: 0 bat_dsp: 297 eacharge_today: 0 eacharge_total: 0 batterytype: 0 uwsysworkmode: 0 systemfaultword0: 0 systemfaultword1: 0 systemfaultword2: 0 systemfaultword3: 0 systemfaultword4: 0 systemfaultword5: 0 systemfaultword6: 0 systemfaultword7: 0 pdischarge1: 0 p1charge1: 0 vbat: 0 SOC: 0 pactouserr: 0 pactousertot: 0 pactogridr: 0 pactogridtot: 0 plocaloadr: 0 plocaloadtot: 0 spdspstatus: 0 spbusvolt: 0 etouser_tod: 0 etouser_tot: 0 etogrid_tod: 0 etogrid_tot: 0 edischarge1_tod: 0 edischarge1_tot: 0 eharge1_tod: 0 eharge1_tot: 0 elocalload_tod: 0 elocalload_tot: 0 grott_last_push: '2023-10-10T07:20:26.663390+00:0

johanmeijer commented 9 months ago

Can you run it with invtype=min in the grott.ini [generic] section?

If this not works please sent me the original Growatt data (with the /x) from the grott log?

martijntonies commented 9 months ago


Entered "min" in the configuration for invtype and turned verbose mode ON.

Here's the results:

Grott doesn't push the data through anymore.

When running as "sph", this is the data.

Growatt original Data: \x00\x12\x00\x06\x02\x41\x01\x03\x1f\x35\x2b\x42\x23\x3c\x39\x75\x4a\x5b\x77 \x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x3d\x30\x2d\x45\x37\x00\x37\x5f\x43\x29\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74 \x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x76\x7e\x7f\x4f\x53\x6e\x75\x61 \x74\x74\x3b\x72\x6e\x77\x78\x74\x74\x47\x16\x6f\x77\x46\x64\x74\x47\xfe\xcf \x74\x89\x35\x3f\x76\x5c\x5f\x77\x3b\x35\x35\x06\x72\x7e\x77\x60\x74\x74\x44 \x9a\x6f\x4b\x61\x48\x74\x1d\x72\x35\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74 \x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x75\x47\x16\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x54\x67\x52\x3f\x21 \x41\x3d\x1a\x31\x17\x1d\x03\x04\x06\x54\x67\x72\x6f\x63\x31\x76\x75\x40\x95 \x6f\x7d\x61\x7f\x74\x4f\x72\x4c\x77\x68\x74\x77\x40\x42\x65\x22\x73\xfa\x60 \x59\x75\x5f\x7d\x34\x66\xfa\x53\x6c\x68\x47\x6b\x21\x66\xc9\x66\x71\x70\xc2 \x7d\x96\x55\xe1\x7c\xfa\x61\x46\x74\x75\x72\x5d\x77\x53\x74\x46\x47\x40\x6f \x45\x61\x46\x74\x75\x72\x5d\x77\x69\x74\x7c\x4e\x90\x6f\x77\x20\x3f\x35\x26 \x4b\x56\x47\x50\x54\x54\x76\x45\x6e\x46\x61\x74\x74\x47\x61\xf3\x77\x53\x7d \xc0\x4e\x90\x67\x33\x69\x62\x74\x53\x72\x6a\x7e\x0e\x7c\x88\x60\x62\x48\x67 \x49\x59\x53\x57\x55\x7f\x52\x29\x74\xe2\x47\x72\x6e\x93\x61\x8b\x3a\x67\x72 \x90\x39\x41\x74\x8b\x09\x52\x6f\x88\x2f\x54\x75\x4f\x72\x6f\x78\x60\x74\x50 \x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x7f\xff\x7e\x5b\x77\x61\x26\x33\x0b\x43\x2c\x30\x24 \x44\x40\x0f\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f \x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47 \x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74 \x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77 \x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74 \x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61 \x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f \x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47 \x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74 \x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77 \x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\xcf\x6b

Hope this helps.

johanmeijer commented 9 months ago

Which version of Grott do you use (Master or Beta?) The master branch does not have the min layout at this moment.

martijntonies commented 9 months ago

This is all version related info I can find:

---8<--- Add-on: grott The Growatt inverter monitor with current HA plugin integrated Add-on version: b6f2f24 You are running the latest version of this add-on. System: Home Assistant OS 10.5 (amd64 / qemux86-64) Home Assistant Core: 2023.10.0

This addon is based on the 2.7.8 grott code and current grott_ha extension.


I've checked your beta 2.8 branch, but have no idea how to install it, compared to the add-on by @egguy. I run HomeAssistant as a stand-alone machine without command line access.

egguy commented 9 months ago

Hi, I'm currently updating how the addon are packaged and named.

The future repository is: the addon are published and updated automatically now.

The grott-beta in this repository is the 2.8 branch.

I will probably update the old repo in the coming days to the current repository and push grott and grott-beta and, remove grott-edge. I will continue to maintain the add-on in the old repository (, but will most likely put a deprecation warning.

martijntonies commented 9 months ago

Thank you for that. Running this add-on now, with inverter type to "min". Things have improved!

These values now are equal to the Growatt Dash. image

PV1 and PV2 today/total now both list values instead of only PV1 (although it seems the value has switch from PV1 to PV2) image

PV Power Out now populated as well. image

This seems wrong though, given it's just max word value ;) image

Thank you both for your work.