thank you for your work and there is a question about it. When I run the command "rviz -d ${your_catkin_workspace}/src/demo_keyframe_bundle_adjustment_meta/res/default.rviz" ,the waring "no image recived" displayed on rviz. I think maybe some wrong with the data 04.bag that I download.when I use "rosbag info 04.bag" ,there are 4 topics not include image topic.Could you give me detail rosbag info,or provide other download method?Thank you very much.
Hi, thank you for your work and there is a question about it. When I run the command "rviz -d ${your_catkin_workspace}/src/demo_keyframe_bundle_adjustment_meta/res/default.rviz" ,the waring "no image recived" displayed on rviz. I think maybe some wrong with the data 04.bag that I download.when I use "rosbag info 04.bag" ,there are 4 topics not include image topic.Could you give me detail rosbag info,or provide other download method?Thank you very much.