johannesgerer / buchhaltung

Smart tools for the ledger universe
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Edit transaction purpose during match #16

Open varac opened 7 years ago

varac commented 7 years ago

Often I'd like to add a comment on a transaction to the purpose field during the match process. It would be great if one could edit/add to the purpose on the fly during match (by pressing p i.e.).

johannesgerer commented 7 years ago

I would welcome that functionality, but I probably will not implement it myself. Reason:

I use the import functionality to get 1-to-1 copies of my bank statements. These are theoretically reproducible from the sources (CSV or other]. The only additional information is the 2nd or counter account for every transaction, but this usually can be learned, so reproducing it is could be done semiautomatically.

So far, my ledger only tells me, that money from my bank account now has moved into Amazon's account. Then only in the next step, I will think about the why.

This is done using buchhaltung add. Here I would book this payment for example the Amazon payment (which is suggested automatically] as an expense, and I would edit the transaction title, to add something like a purpose, etc, using the key t.

I use this two step process, because in case I think Amazon has wrongfully debited my card, I will not add an expense transaction, instead Amazon now ows me this money, which is correctly contained in my ledger. Another reason: If I shared e.g. a meal with someone, not all of the payment will be an expense. This all can be handled by buchhaltung add but not import or update.

I do not want to impose this workflow on everybody, just trying to explain, why I probably wont add this my self.

varac commented 7 years ago

@johannesgerer Thx for the explanation. I though buchhaltung add was only for manually entering new transactions, that's why I didn't use it so far.

But I don't quite understand the workflow. Looking at the buchhaltung add example, given I manually chose the the counter account for this transaction using buchhaltung match already, why do I need to choose the counter account again ? What do add the options mean (what's [r]est i.e.) ? What does the arrow mean and why does it point at Account receivable:Friends:Marc ?

varac commented 7 years ago

Also, when I change the transaction title, it shows up changed in buchhaltung-manually-added.ledger, but stays the same in buchhaltung-import.ledger. I include both files in my main hledger file, but hledger reg shows the unchanged title.