johannesjo / super-productivity

Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
MIT License
8.67k stars 753 forks source link

Error: No tag undefined #3060

Closed mitgitumgekippt closed 4 months ago

mitgitumgekippt commented 4 months ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Application is running in the background. Only the "Today" Tab is opened. I create new tasks and mark others as done. I flip between desktops inbetween.
  2. I tried to unlist a task from "Today". But the icon for it was not there in the "Today"-Tab
  3. I removed the tag, by right-clicking and remove it from the tag list
  4. Error comes up

Error Log (Desktop only)

Console Output

[Task] Add time spent Object action-logger.reducer.ts:11 [Persistence] Save to DB Object sync-trigger.service.ts:208 trigger_sync task sync.effects.ts:137 sync(effect)..... Object sync-provider.service.ts:186 Object sync-provider.service.ts:546 WebDAV PRE1: ↔ Same Rev "9298eefa104f0164b386abc3349cce04" persistence.service.ts:336 LOAD COMPLETE false dev-error.ts:7 Task without project or tag $o @ dev-error.ts:7 Tl @ is-valid-app-data.util.ts:51 (anonymous) @ is-valid-app-data.util.ts:122 Z9 @ is-valid-app-data.util.ts:119 yA @ is-valid-app-data.util.ts:42 (anonymous) @ persistence.service.ts:156 u @ persistence.const.ts:199 invoke @ zone.js:372 onInvoke @ core.mjs:26356 invoke @ zone.js:371 run @ zone.js:134 (anonymous) @ zone.js:1275 invokeTask @ zone.js:406 onInvokeTask @ core.mjs:26343 invokeTask @ zone.js:405 runTask @ zone.js:178 w @ zone.js:585 invokeTask @ zone.js:491 tt @ zone.js:1661 rt @ zone.js:1692 gt @ zone.js:1725 Show 14 more frames Show less dev-error.ts:7 Invalid data => RETRY getValidCompleteData $o @ dev-error.ts:7 (anonymous) @ persistence.service.ts:161 u @ persistence.const.ts:199 invoke @ zone.js:372 onInvoke @ core.mjs:26356 invoke @ zone.js:371 run @ zone.js:134 (anonymous) @ zone.js:1275 invokeTask @ zone.js:406 onInvokeTask @ core.mjs:26343 invokeTask @ zone.js:405 runTask @ zone.js:178 w @ zone.js:585 invokeTask @ zone.js:491 tt @ zone.js:1661 rt @ zone.js:1692 gt @ zone.js:1725 Show 14 more frames Show less sync-provider.service.ts:130 error during sync sync-provider.service.ts:131 Error: Unable to get valid app data at n. (persistence.service.ts:164:15) at () at u (persistence.const.ts:199:6) at U.invoke (zone.js:372:26) at Object.onInvoke (core.mjs:26356:33) at U.invoke (zone.js:371:52) at (zone.js:134:43) at zone.js:1275:36 at U.invokeTask (zone.js:406:31) at Object.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:26343:33) (anonymous) @ sync-provider.service.ts:131 f @ local-file-sync-electron.service.ts:12 invoke @ zone.js:372 onInvoke @ core.mjs:26356 invoke @ zone.js:371 run @ zone.js:134 (anonymous) @ zone.js:1275 invokeTask @ zone.js:406 onInvokeTask @ core.mjs:26343 invokeTask @ zone.js:405 runTask @ zone.js:178 w @ zone.js:585 invokeTask @ zone.js:491 tt @ zone.js:1661 rt @ zone.js:1692 gt @ zone.js:1725 Show 14 more frames Show less action-logger.reducer.ts:11 [Task] Add time spent Object action-logger.reducer.ts:11 [Persistence] Save to DB Object sync-trigger.service.ts:208 trigger_sync task action-logger.reducer.ts:11 [Task] Add time spent Object action-logger.reducer.ts:11 [Persistence] Save to DB Object

Meta Info

META: SP8.0.0 Electron – en-US – Linux x86_64 – Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) superProductivity/8.0.0 Chrome/120.0.6099.227 Electron/28.2.0 Safari/537.36


Error: No tag undefined
    at file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:280763
    at file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:4233947
    at Xr (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:4233467)
    at vn (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:4234380)
    at file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:4234004
    at Xr (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:4233467)
    at g.project (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:4232810)
    at g._next (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:3918066)
    at (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:3906187)
    at Ne._subscribe (file:///opt/superProductivity/resources/app.asar/dist/main.cfea6b39dd7d63d8.js:1:3898942)

Actions Before Error

1709055634684: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055634691: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055634694: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055635045: [Task] SetSelectedTask 
1709055635049: [Layout] Hide Notes 
1709055635681: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055635689: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055635692: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055636684: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055636691: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055636694: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055636723: [Task] SetSelectedTask 
1709055637681: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055637685: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055637688: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055638703: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055638709: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055638711: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055639710: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055639715: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055639716: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055640689: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055640693: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055640695: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055641681: [Task] Add time spent 
1709055641683: [Tag] Update Work End for Tag 
1709055641684: [Persistence] Save to DB (2) 
1709055642539: [Task] Update Task Tags 
1709055642543: [Persistence] Save to DB (2)
github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for opening up this issue! I am currently a bit overwhelmed by the many requests that arrive each week, so please forgive me, if I fail to respond personally. I am still very likely to at least skim read your request and I'll probably try to fix all (real) bugs if possible and I will likely review every single PR being made (please, give me a heads up if you intent to do so) and I will try to work on popular requests (please upvote via thumbs up on the original issue) whenever possible, but trying to respond to every single issue over the last years has been kind of draining and I need to adjust my approach for this project to remain fun for me and to make any progress with actually coding new stuff. Thanks for your understanding!

mitgitumgekippt commented 4 months ago

I only created the issue, because the application asked to do so. If you think that the error is irrelevant, feel free to close it.

johannesjo commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for opening this up! A fix should be out with the next release!