johannesjo / super-productivity

Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
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Allow to specify Lunch break and show it on timeline #3125

Open gerodp opened 2 months ago

gerodp commented 2 months ago

Problem Statement

Currently, it's not possible to show the lunch break in the timeline. This causes that the timeline view and the task start times don't reflect the reality.

:grey_question: Possible Solution

Allow to specify the lunch break in the Timeline configuration (e.g. from 13:00 to 14:00 ) and show it on the timeline for each day. Tasks that fall in between should be split.

:arrow_heading_up: Describe alternatives you've considered


:heavy_plus_sign: Additional context


github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much for opening up this issue! I am currently a bit overwhelmed by the many requests that arrive each week, so please forgive me, if I fail to respond personally. I am still very likely to at least skim read your request and I'll probably try to fix all (real) bugs if possible and I will likely review every single PR being made (please, give me a heads up if you intent to do so) and I will try to work on popular requests (please upvote via thumbs up on the original issue) whenever possible, but trying to respond to every single issue over the last years has been kind of draining and I need to adjust my approach for this project to remain fun for me and to make any progress with actually coding new stuff. Thanks for your understanding!

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hello there gerodp! 👋

Thank you and congratulations 🎉 for opening your very first issue in this project! 💖

In case you want to claim this issue, please comment down below! We will try to get back to you as soon as we can. 👀

For more open ended discussions and/or specific questions, please visit the discussions page. 💖

johannesjo commented 2 months ago

Hey there! You can either create your lunchbreak as a repeatable task or you can add it to your calendar and import it into your timeline.

gerodp commented 2 months ago

Hi @johannesjo!

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Regarding adding lunchbreak as a repeatable task, I wouldn't like to mark breaks as tasks as it can pollute the statistics. For example, it will compute this as working time, am I right, or am I missing something?

As an alternative I though of adding a config to specify the lunch breaks so they'll show up in the timeline and tasks will be split accordingly. I can implement this and submit a PR but I'd like to read your opinion first.

Thanks in advance

gerodp commented 2 months ago

Hi @johannesjo,

I was wondering if you have any thoughts on that? As I said I can implement a PR for this feature.


Jagdfalke commented 2 months ago

Hi @gerodp . Help is always welcome. If you are able to provide a PR with an implementation, I don't see a reason why not to.

I assume you would implement it similar to the timeline work time feature?


gerodp commented 2 months ago

HI @Jagdfalke,

Exactly, my idea is to implement it like the work time feature.


nairboon commented 6 days ago

i guess this issue can be closed now?