johannesjo / super-productivity

Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities. It also comes with integrations for Jira, Gitlab, GitHub and Open Project.
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"Add to task" popup's cancel button should not dismiss the untracked time #3180

Open mart3323 opened 1 month ago

mart3323 commented 1 month ago

Problem Statement

As a new user, if i am unable to find the right task to add time to, i want to go back to the "Today" view without dismissing the time or adding it to the wrong task. I expect that the "cancel" button will do this

Example screenshots NB: The tasks in this screenshot are made up. I currently use superproductivity only for work 1. Discover i have some idle time, click the "Add to task" button 2. Try to search for an existing task to assign to, but don't find one (in this case because i can't distinguish which "Create issue" is the correct one 3. Cancel out of the dialog so that i can go rename the task (or create one if it doesn't exist) Oops - the time is lost. Do i remember how many minutes it was showing before...?

As an experienced user who has lost idle time like this several times, i now know to never hit cancel. Instead i am forced to create a temporary task. Then when i find the correct task i need to manually calculate the combined time and edit it in

:grey_question: Possible Solution

Let the "cancel" button close the dialog but keep the idle time banner.

The current behaviour can be added as a third 'dismiss' option, but personally i feel it would be better to leave it out entirely.
If i change my mind and want to dismiss in the middle of searching for a task, then it seems obvious to first hit "cancel" to abort choosing a task, then hit "dismiss" in the header to dismiss it image

## :arrow_heading_up: Describe alternatives you've considered The functionality of the dialog could be improved to support more use cases, so the user would not be tempted to cancel as often. For example: ### 1️⃣ Show completed tasks: ### 2️⃣ Show name of main task for subtasks ### 3️⃣ Find subtasks by parent task name Currently tasks which have subtasks don't show up in the list at all - you have to know the subtask name to find them ⚠️ The above solutions only address individual use cases. Even if implemented, being able to safely 'cancel' out would still be appreciated ### 4️⃣ Allow choosing the task directly in the 'Today' view (Definitely not final design, just to illustrate the point somehow) ⚠️ While this would satisfy my needs perfectly, it also seems like a massive change, especially compared to the main suggestion above. It would probably also need some way to pop up the search in case you want it

:heavy_plus_sign: Additional context

Tangentially related to, see list of possible improvements in "Describe alternatives you've considered"

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for opening up this issue! I am currently a bit overwhelmed by the many requests that arrive each week, so please forgive me, if I fail to respond personally. I am still very likely to at least skim read your request and I'll probably try to fix all (real) bugs if possible and I will likely review every single PR being made (please, give me a heads up if you intent to do so) and I will try to work on popular requests (please upvote via thumbs up on the original issue) whenever possible, but trying to respond to every single issue over the last years has been kind of draining and I need to adjust my approach for this project to remain fun for me and to make any progress with actually coding new stuff. Thanks for your understanding!