johanneswuerbach / ember-cli-sauce

Cross browser testing for your ember-cli app using SauceLabs
MIT License
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Tests against microsoft edge are being reported as Chrome 42 #35

Closed samwoods1 closed 9 years ago

samwoods1 commented 9 years ago

Here is the sauce config for my run: deviceName : name : Saucie tests tags : Saucie,test device-orientation : tunnel-identifier : platform : Windows 10 browserName : microsoftedge version : 20 javascriptEnabled : true public : public record-video : true

Here's the microsoft edge section in my testem.json: "SL_edge": { "exe": "ember", "args": [ "sauce:launch", "-b", "microsoftedge", "-v", "20", "--vi", "public", "-p", "Windows 10", "--at", "--no-ct", "--u" ], "protocol": "browser" }

When I execute the command 'ember test --server --port 7000 --launch SL_edge', the tests are run in sauce labs against microsoft edge, but the browser reported in the console is Chrome 42.0

johanneswuerbach commented 9 years ago

Fixed by

johanneswuerbach commented 9 years ago

ember-cli PR