johanneszab / TumblThree

A Tumblr Blog Backup Application
MIT License
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Turn on the "meta options" for texts of photos, videos a audio posts #347

Open firehawk12 opened 5 years ago

firehawk12 commented 5 years ago

I haven't had a problem downloading media posts, but for posts with photos and text, the program seems to skip a lot/if not all of the text in those posts. (I tried a blog with 1000 posts, and it saved all the images in the posts, but not the text).

Is this expected behaviour? Is there a way to force the download of all text, regardless of whether the post also contains media or other photos?

Thank you.

Taranchuk commented 5 years ago

There is an option to download metadata, it saves post captions of images/video, you need to enable this option in the details tab.

firehawk12 commented 5 years ago

There is an option to download metadata, it saves post captions of images/video, you need to enable this option in the details tab.

Okay, I see that and I'll give it a shot.

How do I restart a completed download? I tried clicking the force rescan checkbox, enqueuing the blog, and then clicked the crawl button, but it's not working. Do I need to just delete the blog and start again?


Taranchuk commented 5 years ago

You can do this, but I prefer to make separate copies of program with portable mode enabled for downloading metadata and images separately, so I don’t lose the index files so that I can continue to update the files.

firehawk12 commented 5 years ago

Ah okay, I was actually trying to restart from scratch but the settings kept getting restored even after deleting them from my AppData directory, so I'll give portable mode a shot.

Or is there a way to just restart completely and force it not to restore the settings into the AppData directory?

johanneszab commented 5 years ago

Or is there a way to just restart completely and force it not to restore the settings into the AppData directory?

When you deleted the Settings, TumblThree was not running?

Otherwise, if you mean the "blog settings", take a look at #318 or in general at the

firehawk12 commented 5 years ago

That must have been it, thanks!

I know this is probably out of scope for this program, but I saw that you can rename the metadata files to html and they would work in a browser, so it should be possible to replace the image url in the images.txt file to refer to the local downloaded file so that you can view the picture with the text in a browser?

Thanks again for this program.

johanneszab commented 5 years ago

It is possible for sure, but I'll not have the time to implement this in this year, unless someone else does the job.

Something similar has also been suggested in #296.

Qwezda commented 5 years ago

Does meta data only work for blogs, not for liked/by urls? Am I missing something, or is this not possible? I've got all three metas checked but I'm still only getting media files.