johannhof / sec-share

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Comunication protection #15

Open JCaet opened 10 years ago

JCaet commented 10 years ago

To run the client program with SSL sockets you must provide

java −$HOME/.truststore \ javasec samples ch14 SSLSim javasec.samples.ch14.SSLSimpleClient pleClient localhost 9096 localhost 909

which means we can't run this without havin the truststore setup

JCaet commented 10 years ago

Optional command to make client auth mandatory


johannhof commented 10 years ago

This is correct: Client:$HOME/.secshare//truststore.jks Keystores need to be created first... Server:

johannhof commented 10 years ago

Create a client truststore like that:

keytool -genkeypair -keystore ~/.secshare//truststore.jks -alias -keysize 1024 -keyalg RSA

and then copy the server certificate there

keytool -import -alias secshareserver -file ./server.cer -keystore ~/.secshare//truststore.jks