johanw666 / Signal-Android

Fork from a private messenger for Android with extra options added: full backup and (partial, ony text) xml backup of messages. Restore can happen at any time, not only after a fresh install. Import SMS database. Import of (unencrypted) WhatsApp databases. Removed apk expire. Choose between passphrase protection and the Android screenlock. Choice for the backup location (internal or removable storage on Android < 11 (on 11 and higher this is already possible)). Set the maptype in the place picker. Option to treat view-once media as normal media. Option to ignore remote deletion. Choose between FCM or websocket notification delivery.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
246 stars 16 forks source link

Stories flag enabled by default in internal preferences, that doesn't work #55

Open pixincreate opened 1 year ago

pixincreate commented 1 year ago

Bug description

Title says it all. Internal preferences have have stories enabled by default. However, on checking logs, it showing the status flag as falsewhich I believe is wrong.

Either you unknowingly enabled stories option or it doesn't work as intended.

Steps to reproduce

Actual result: stories not flag is disabled Expected result: stores option should be visible


Device info

Device: Android Android version: 12L Signal version: 5.45.2

Link to debug log

johanw666 commented 1 year ago

AFAIK this option in internal settings is used to disable stories, even if they become active. The actual active / inactive is determined by line 455, which defaults to false but can remotely be set to true. I don't try to activate them in my fork by changing the code here.

pixincreate commented 1 year ago

option in internal settings is used to disable stories,

This option already exist by default for Signal once stories option is enabled. I saw that in Signal community feature request forum.

So, I don't think that option that currently exist would be useful for anything and instead, it can be used to enable/disable the actual stories that exist in line 455.