johanw666 / Signal-Android

Fork from a private messenger for Android with extra options added: full backup and (partial, ony text) xml backup of messages. Restore can happen at any time, not only after a fresh install. Import SMS database. Import of (unencrypted) WhatsApp databases. Removed apk expire. Choose between passphrase protection and the Android screenlock. Choice for the backup location (internal or removable storage on Android < 11 (on 11 and higher this is already possible)). Set the maptype in the place picker. Option to treat view-once media as normal media. Option to ignore remote deletion. Choose between FCM or websocket notification delivery.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
246 stars 16 forks source link

Asking for storage permission even after enabled & Current Backup's recovery key gone after giving storage permission again. #68

Open aravind-alpha07 opened 1 year ago

aravind-alpha07 commented 1 year ago

Bug description

Description maybe big i guess so before ignoring or closing this issue please consider this i was facing this bug from initial 5.××××-jw version.I attached files regarding this bug below for better understanding

App asking for storage permission many times even after i have enabled & my chat backup recovery key gone after enabling storage permission again. Before I restoring by .backup file after installing app it asked for permission i enabled (1st time) and then I made sure chat backup setting working or not by taking backup again and it worked. Later I went to chat screen it asked for cam,mic i enabled that was no issues at all but the it asked the storage permission again (2nd time) (1 already gave permission before restoring backup during initial setup). Later I went back to check chat backup settings my recovery key backup gone because of the storage permission i gave in the chat. And chat backup tells me to create new backup file with new recovery keys. This is every annoying coz if I want to restore i have to change my recovery keys everytime please solve this. This storage permission issue not only with the option in chat backup in settings it also happens same with the Import/settings (export & restore encrypted or unencrypted backups) to make sure I tried 3 times it has the same issue also I tried on other devices it has same issues & tried with custom roms in my device i faced the same stuff mentioned above.

Unlike other fork like molly or stock official signal haven't this issue. Please kindly consider it sorry for the long lengthy explaination.

Actual result: Storage permission asking for 3 times even after i gave permission also it erased the backup recovery keys and asks to create new one after i gave storage permission again. Expected result: I shouldn't be asking permission again & again also it shouldn't erased my backup recovery keys. I should ask permission one time or only before the restoring in initial setup



I have attached the screenrecord of the link for the issue i faced.

Device info

Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro Android version: 12.0 Signal version: (From 5.XXX-JW I'm facing this)