johanw666 / Signal-Android

Fork from a private messenger for Android with extra options added: full backup and (partial, ony text) xml backup of messages. Restore can happen at any time, not only after a fresh install. Import SMS database. Import of (unencrypted) WhatsApp databases. Removed apk expire. Choose between passphrase protection and the Android screenlock. Choice for the backup location (internal or removable storage on Android < 11 (on 11 and higher this is already possible)). Set the maptype in the place picker. Option to treat view-once media as normal media. Option to ignore remote deletion. Choose between FCM or websocket notification delivery.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
246 stars 16 forks source link

Storage permission can't be granted for imports #97

Open Terrance opened 4 months ago

Terrance commented 4 months ago

As part of trying to import some hand-crafted WhatsApp backups (#49), I'm testing against a second device (Android 13) with a new installation of Signal. When I try to import a WhatsApp backup, I get the following:

Signal needs the Storage permission in order to read from external storage, but it has been permanently denied. Please continue to app settings, select "Permissions", then enable "Storage".

This opens the app info screen, but the permissions list from there does not include Storage as an option. The separate "all files access" permission was prompted for and allowed on its own screen the first time around, but this doesn't seem to be sufficient.

I have the same problem with a dual installation in the work profile of my main device (also Android 13).