johanwk / elot

Emacs Literate Ontology Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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add examples #1

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 4 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 4 months ago

@johanwk Thanks for inviting me to this work! I've forked the repo and can make Pull Requests. Can you please add some example to make it easier to get oriented? Eg elot-lob has file:images/example-ttl.svg but that is not included.

johanwk commented 4 months ago

I'm happy to add examples. As for the svg example you are referring to, that's obviously a left-over that should have been taken out.

What kind of example would you prefer to start with? More ontology content, or rdfpuml content? I'm happy with both.

With rdfpuml, my setup on Windows is kind of inconvenient. The Perl installation and everything, I wasn't able to make it portable at all. I think you mentioned a Docker image for rdfpuml -- would that be something that could be fetched from somewhere else, then made easy to access from this repo, perhaps?

VladimirAlexiev commented 4 months ago

Any examples you see fit!

If you don't want to add examples to this repo, you can send them by email.

johanwk commented 4 months ago

Actually, the largest example so far is the Industrial Data Ontology, for which the document made with this tool is available at (see the link under the word "here"). A new version will be out very soon, we are wrapping up the next version by the end of next week, with hundreds of corrections and improvements. So, the IDO ontology is the main example we have so far. Note, the document there was made with MS Word, to satisfy ISO requirements, but only after the contents were written into the ELOT tool.

The IDO document available at the above link is very close to the ISO document, but modified so it can be distributed. IDO as new standard ISO 27326-3 is planned to be published in 2025.

johanwk commented 4 months ago

The org-ql tables are really powerful, and org-ql is under active development, so new features keep coming. Now, it's of course possible to just query the ontology using SPARQL, but -- there are advantages to having these queries in the ELOT document. You can add links and quickly jump to places you want to edit. You can typeset the tables and have them included in the document while working on draft versions. Completion "cookies" that show how complete you are with regard to annotation requirements (IDO uses the excellent annotation vocabulary by IOF) can be queried; these aren't even exported to the ontology document, so will not be available to SPARQL. And so forth -- all very nice.

johanwk commented 4 months ago

The IDO document includes quite a few rdfpuml diagrams. In some cases, they are tweaked to fit with ad-hoc content. For instance, it's difficult to show class unions in any reasonably compact way in ontology documentation. Maybe this is something we could look at together, for a reusable way to do it.

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 months ago

Hi! I know (looked at it end of last year). But I mean some simple example as org source (similar to what you've shown me), so we can retest as I make any changes to your code (org or elisp). Thanks for a great meeting!

johanwk commented 3 months ago

I see! Yes, I'll see if I can add some examples in the repo today. Now that the new template <os is working, it's easy to create new ontologies.

OH, and by the way, the README needs to be updated. The "package" is now in subfolder elot-package, so that should be added to load-path, followed by `(load-library "elot").

johanwk commented 3 months ago

I just added as an example!

This was converted from the original with Emacs keyboard macros.

The export to LaTeX is not quite right , but from a superficial inspection, the tangled OWL version seems to be at least very close to the original.

johanwk commented 3 months ago

Update to the example: now there's a section called "ROBOT metrics" that illustrates how ROBOT can provide useful information.

johanwk commented 3 months ago

Update 9843b79 to sparql queries using ROBOT.