johanwk / elot

Emacs Literate Ontology Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot install package in Doom Emacs due to unexpected values in Package-Requires #53

Open weavermarquez opened 3 weeks ago

weavermarquez commented 3 weeks ago

Submitting a pull request to fix this. Issue for documentation.

Error Description

When attempting to install this package on Doom Emacs, running doom sync expects that Package-Requires is an elisp list. The extra text in there results in a compilation error by attempting to install \...

Compare to org-ql, which compiles as expected:

;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (compat "29.1") (dash "2.18.1") (f "0.17.2") (map "2.1") (org "9.0") (org-super-agenda "1.2") (ov "1.0.6") (peg "1.0.1") (s "1.12.0") (transient "0.1") (ts "0.2-pre"))

System Details

Emacs 29.3 Doom v3.0.0-pre

Thrown error:

((error "Could not find package %S. Updating recipe repositories: %S with `straight-pull-recipe-repositories' may fix this" \...
    (org-elpa melpa nongnu-elpa gnu-elpa-mirror el-get emacsmirror-mirror))
 ((debugger-may-continue . t)
  (inhibit-debugger . t)

Doom Emacs Recipe

;(package! htmlize) ; already in doom emacs
(package! omn-mode)
(package! sparql-mode)
(package! plantuml-mode)
(package! hydra)
(package! org-ql)

(package! elot
   :recipe (:host github :repo "johanwk/elot" :files("elot-package/*")))


Until this value is fixed, a workaround is simple:

  1. Clone the repo into your Doom config e.g. ~/.config/doom,
  2. Edit the Package-Requires line
  3. Adjust the recipe to use a local repo.

In elot-package/elot.el

;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.2"))

Adjusted Recipe:

(package! elot
  :recipe (:local-repo "elot" :files("elot-package/*")))
weavermarquez commented 3 weeks ago

In my pull request I simply reduced it to

;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.2"))

Idk how Package-Require really works, but here's the requirements for your convenience based on my current Doom install:

;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.2") (htmlize "1.57") (omn-mode "1.3") (sparql-mode "4.0.3") (plantuml-mode "1.2.9") (hydra "0.15.0") (org-ql "0.8.5"))