johko / computer-vision-course

This repo is the homebase of a community driven course on Computer Vision with Neural Networks. Feel free to join us on the Hugging Face discord:
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Unit 12: Ethics and Bias, Introduction #155

Closed snehilsanyal closed 6 months ago

snehilsanyal commented 6 months ago

Hey everyone 🤗 Just added the Introduction chapter for Unit 12 Ethics and Bias. It took me a while with this chapter, as there were many articles on the case study and I didn't want to be biased or skewed, so I took my time to take a look into both the problems and solutions by both parties (ImageNet Roulette creators and ImageNet team) and tried to come up with the content. There might be some errors and the content might not be perfect or some labels I used might not be suitable (totally open to changing them on discussion), looking forward to your suggestions and would like to apologize beforehand if I made some mistakes.

Opening as a draft PR, the content is done, just need to add some images. Taking my time to decide which images are suitable at the same time not too heavy or serious for readers. The draft should address the serious note of ethics and bias but not in a very serious mode.

First Chapter for the Issue: #51

snehilsanyal commented 6 months ago

Great Intro. Looking forward to rest of the section. One more interesting read highlighting bias in facial recongition in Compter Vision:

Done, I will include this read in the later chapters of the unit 😄

snehilsanyal commented 6 months ago

This is almost ready to merge!

Hey @merveenoyan I made all the suggested changes, before merging I had a question, shall I remove all images I mentioned in the content? I removed the IR Tweet image as you suggested, but other images are still there, I made the faces blurred or censored and labels as well, so that the readers can have an idea without being offended. So the images are there but faces and labels are censored.

merveenoyan commented 6 months ago

@snehilsanyal I feel like it's best if we could remove it altogether since this is not about person himself but rather the racial stereotyping

snehilsanyal commented 6 months ago

@snehilsanyal I feel like it's best if we could remove it altogether since this is not about person himself but rather the racial stereotyping

Done @merveenoyan 🤗