johko / computer-vision-course

This repo is the homebase of a community driven course on Computer Vision with Neural Networks. Feel free to join us on the Hugging Face discord:
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Computer Vision Projects with Gradio Section #20

Closed alperenunlu closed 3 months ago

alperenunlu commented 9 months ago

Hello everyone, 👋🏻

Let's outline the section on hands on interactive projects with gradio.

Topics Draft

There should be more projects based on the content of other sections.

Before finalizing let's gather thoughts and discuss.

johko commented 9 months ago

Thanks for bringing this up. Basically this is your proposal to add a new section to the course, which covers how to build demos with gradio right?

I like the idea in general, but I guess it needs a lot of communication with the other teams, to figure out which demos to build. This would probably be easier once the other section are complete.

What do you think @merveenoyan and @lunarflu ?

ash-01xor commented 9 months ago

I would also like to know if we are treating this as a separate section of the book or do we let this be a part of each team.

As in , as each team collaborates and writes a notebook regarding the particular chapter, i feel it would be better if the team itself can collaborate and come up with a small gradio application for the topic.

In such a case , certain topics wouldn't need gradio applications yet the ones which need will atleast be thought out and be uniform.

What do you all think?

lunarflu commented 9 months ago

Good initiative @alperenunlu !

it needs a lot of communication with the other teams, to figure out which demos to build. This would probably be easier once the other section are complete.

Agreed here, there seems to be a lot of overlap with other sections (i.e. should a demo go under Gradio or CNNs, etc). Could be nice to have a quick intro maybe somewhere down the line once we flesh out the rest of the content a bit.

alperenunlu commented 9 months ago

@lunarflu I was thinking about the same thing. A introduction section details the tools for computer vision on gradio then hands-on sections after each section with Gradio. And then we can create an another section with more hands-on projects if we want to with different applications contributors have on mind.

@ash-01xor It can be written by that topics team also it can be written after by a different team when section is more or less complete. If we can come up with more hands-on applications people will find this course more engaging and meaningful because they can see how the things they learn applies to real world projects and can solve real world problems.

ash-01xor commented 9 months ago

It can be written by that topics team also it can be written after by a different team when section is more or less complete

Well that makes sense , making this course hands on as you say will benefit people getting a more hands on approach. Since i have experience working on segmentation problems before , can i be assigned to create the image segmentation project ?

merveenoyan commented 9 months ago

@alperenunlu I feel like maybe we could have a very brief intro to Interface class (with transformers integration), then Blocks API, and then we could briefly go through CV specific components and build one demo or two, which would be more comprehensive (instead of building a lot of demos IMHO).

alperenunlu commented 9 months ago

Yes that is better actually. Where we should put gradio section begining, in the middle, or end?

I am thinking like after CNN would be better it's relatively at the begining and enough knowledge to do projects with gradio.

lunarflu commented 9 months ago

Where we should put gradio section begining, in the middle, or end?

@alperenunlu I think beginning is fine like @merveenoyan said, give a quick intro to a few key components then move straight into a few demos using them. What do you think?

alperenunlu commented 9 months ago

Where we should put gradio section begining, in the middle, or end?

@alperenunlu I think beginning is fine like @merveenoyan said, give a quick intro to a few key components then move straight into a few demos using them. What do you think?

@lunarflu I edited the suggested chapters on the top of the page according to that suggestion from @merveenoyan . Merve's suggestion was great if we would want to increase demos we can do it later.

alperenunlu commented 9 months ago

Topics Draft

  • [ ] Intro to using Gradio.
  • [ ] Using Gradio Interface class and 🤗 Transformers API integration.
  • [ ] Using Gradio Blocks API.
  • [ ] Gradio CV specific Components.
  • [ ] Gradio CV projects.
    • Gradio CV project(Detection, Segmentation, Generating etc.) [1 ... N].

New suggested topics is this what do you think @merveenoyan @lunarflu .

merveenoyan commented 9 months ago

@alperenunlu I think the new outline works :)