Open mtbiker22 opened 4 years ago
I had same problems with Tacx Fortius and we seem to be amongst others. I amd working on a child-version of antifier and will publish on github shortly. This "FortiusANT" is under test now and working with Zwift and TrainerRoad, currentlyt tested on windows but should be a no-brainer to get working on your system since antifier already does.
Please respond if you are interested; follow me on strava to see results. There will be a zwift ride tonite.
I will support to get it working on your system!
I am interested, can you share a code preview? What is your strava?
Hi, my strava is "Wouter Dubbeldam", the netherlands. I will share code asap; as in "this week"
Another Dutch guy great... Ik ben erg geïnteresseerd in je resultaten.
Haha... Reveal yuor name :-)
Hmm your strava looks promising... are you familiar with this one Looks promising but I keep getting the -110 error, some problem with reading from USB (trainer)
Bart, please check and let me know. Please post an issue "install on ubuntu" under my repository for further discussion.
Anyone else: feel free to visit my project and let me know!
Great, thanks, I will have a look... I am running different Linux versions, first try will be linux mint... eventually I want to move to a raspberry pi (2)...
Success. If you got antifier to work, in a separate directory FortiusANT should work. Please post questions as issue under FortiusANT to collect adequate reference there :-)
Ok, last message over here: I can run antifier in Mint, FortiusANT gives me an error when starting (Python 2.7)
File "", line 865 clv.print() ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I am trying now to install the required dependencies in Python 3.5... Running into problems with pygame
maak ff issue aan, aub
Hi everybody,
I stumbled upon your very python script which allows you to interface an USB Tacx with Swift. I recently bought a Tacx Vortius with motorbrake. I am running the script in Ubuntu (installation through the install script), the ANT stick is well detected, as is the Trainer... 0x1932. When I load the power curve through the GUI (Fortius) I get the error "Need 14 levels for power curve". When I open the file it looks a bit messed up:
`<<<<<<< HEAD
-2.2:7.2473916484,-54.4736461506 -2.2:7.06481549168,-50.7770722228 -2.5:7.663245851,-77.9771660033 -1.9:7.58653238952,-60.9312659153 -1.9:9.09993215329,-108.663511836 -0.7:10.1501942564,-117.287622639 0.5:10.8984651461,-112.890378135 1.7:11.2006116248,-96.912998478 2.3:11.7749669128,-96.6855794126 4.1:14.8070800344,-160.488726184 5.3:14.4749670279,-117.592210552 6.5:17.2157706928,-180.237148761 7.1:16.5408990578,-144.621969741 7.4:17.3557980686,-163.011468688
-1.5:1,0 #-3i.e. for resistance level 1, power = speed x 4.5 + (-20) watts = 20kph x 4.5 - 20 = 70 watts -1 :1.5,0 #-2 -0.5:2,0 #-1 0 :3,0 #0 60W @20kph 0.5 :5,0 #1 100W 1 :7.5,0 #2 150W 1.5 :10,0 #3 200W 2 :11,0 #4 220W 2.5 :14,0 #5 280W 3 :15,0 #6 300W 3.5 :17.5,0 #7 350W 5 :19.5,0 #8 390W 5.5 :21.5,0 #9 430W 6 :23,0 #10 460W
Which one is the correct callibration file?
I also run into problems with the runoff, it is not possible to reach 40 kph... resistance seems to be really high...
Any help would be really welcome!