Closed nlpirate closed 4 years ago
This is a problem with the example configs; they shouldn't include layer 12 in the 12-layer BERT model, because the BERT vec loading code in this codebase actually 0-indexes layers (so the 12th layer is index 11). Using model_layer: 11
should work.
thanks a lot! I changed the number of hidden_layer to 11 in .yam config file but now I got the following error
Constructing new results directory at /content/drive/My Drive/structural-probes/example/results_it/BERT-disk-parse-depth-2020-2-11-9-22-57-151641/
Loading BERT Pretrained Embeddings from /content/drive/My Drive/structural-probes/scripts/rawbert_12layers_train.hdf5; using layer 11
The pre-trained model you are loading is a cased model but you have not set `do_lower_case` to False. We are setting `do_lower_case=False` for you but you may want to check this behavior.
Using BERT-base-cased tokenizer to align embeddings with PTB tokens
[aligning embeddings]: 0% 0/13121 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 242, in <module>
execute_experiment(yaml_args, train_probe=cli_args.train_probe, report_results=cli_args.report_results)
File "", line 170, in execute_experiment
expt_dataset = dataset_class(args, task)
File "/content/drive/My Drive/structural-probes/structural-probes/", line 34, in __init__
self.train_obs, self.dev_obs, self.test_obs = self.read_from_disk()
File "/content/drive/My Drive/structural-probes/structural-probes/", line 65, in read_from_disk
train_observations = self.optionally_add_embeddings(train_observations, train_embeddings_path)
File "/content/drive/My Drive/structural-probes/structural-probes/", line 407, in optionally_add_embeddings
embeddings = self.generate_subword_embeddings_from_hdf5(observations, pretrained_embeddings_path, layer_index)
File "/content/drive/My Drive/structural-probes/structural-probes/", line 397, in generate_subword_embeddings_from_hdf5
assert single_layer_features.shape[0] == len(tokenized_sent)
It's possible that this is an error where the sequence length (after subword tokenization) is longer than BERT's 512-token maximum, so when making the vectors, maybe it was truncated, and now when you're trying to load them it doesn't match the real length. Can you print single_layer_features.shape[0]
and len(tokenized_sent)
Closing; feel free to re-open if issues persist
I tried to duplicate the experiment using a different training data, but
reports the following error:Is it an error related to the training data ?