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04-STORE-API: page functionality is not working #53

Open AkmDgreat opened 1 year ago

AkmDgreat commented 1 year ago

In post-man, when I set page =1, I get this response:


Now, when I set page = 2, I get the same response:


I am supposed to get different responses for different values of page, but I am getting the same response. Where did I go wrong?

This is controllers/product.js :

const Product = require("../models/product")
const productsList = require("../products.json")

const getAllProductsStatic = async (req, res) => {
    const search = "a"
    const products = await Product
                                featured: false, 
                                name: { $regex: search, $options: "i" } //name: "vase table"
                            .sort("name -price")
                            .select("name price")
    res.status(200).json({ msg: products, numOfProducts: products.length })

const getAllProducts = async (req, res) => {

    const { featured, company, name, sort, fields } = req.query
    const queryObject = {}

    if (featured) {
        queryObject.featured = featured === "true" ? true : false

    if (company) {
        if (company == "ikea" || company == "liddy" || company == "marcos" || company == "caressa") {
   = company
        else {
            return res.status(404).json({ msg: "this company doesn't exist")

    if (name) { = {
            $regex: name,
            $options: "i"

    let result = Product.find(queryObject)

    if (sort) {
        const sortList = sort.split(",").join(' ') //console.log(sortList) 
        result = result.sort(sortList)
    else {
        result = result.sort("createdAt") 

    // FIELDS
    if (fields) {
        const fieldsList = fields.split(",").join(" ")
        result =

    const page = Number( || 1  
    const limit = Number(req.query.limit) || 10
    const skip = (page -1) * limit 
    result = result.skip(skip).limit(limit) 

    const products = await result

    res.status(200).json({ msg: products, numOfProducts: products.length })

module.exports = { getAllProducts, getAllProductsStatic }
Harsh-2909 commented 1 year ago

From what i can see from your postman, it seems as if there is a space between page and =2. Try to add the query params in your URL manually and then try again.