from the root of the repo, you can run this command to get a sorted list of all the translated strings for easy comparison of english and spanish side by side:
egrep "'|\"" config/locales/en.yml config/locales/es.yml | grep -v "^\t* *#" | sed "s/\(.*yml:\)\t* *\(.*: '\)\(.*\)/\2 \1 \3/" | sort | sed "s/:\t* *' /: /" | sed "s/'$//"
from the root of the repo, you can run this command to get a sorted list of all the translated strings for easy comparison of english and spanish side by side:
egrep "'|\"" config/locales/en.yml config/locales/es.yml | grep -v "^\t* *#" | sed "s/\(.*yml:\)\t* *\(.*: '\)\(.*\)/\2 \1 \3/" | sort | sed "s/:\t* *' /: /" | sed "s/'$//"