john2796 / redditclone

Next.js App Router, TypeScript & Tailwind, Node
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Update all dependencies #40

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 year ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence Type Update
@mantine/hooks (source) ^6.0.13 -> ^7.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
@prisma/client (source) ^4.14.1 -> ^5.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
@tanstack/react-query (source) ^4.29.11 -> ^5.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
@types/node (source) 20.2.5 -> 22.7.6 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
@types/react (source) 18.2.18 -> 18.3.11 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
@types/react-dom (source) 18.2.7 -> 18.3.1 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
@​uploadthing/react ^4.0.0 -> ^7.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
autoprefixer 10.4.14 -> 10.4.20 age adoption passing confidence dependencies patch
cmdk ^0.2.0 -> ^1.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
date-fns ^2.30.0 -> ^4.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
eslint (source) 8.46.0 -> 9.12.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
eslint-config-next (source) 13.4.4 -> 14.2.15 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
lucide-react (source) ^0.263.0 -> ^0.453.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
nanoid ^4.0.2 -> ^5.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
node (source) 16.15.0 -> 20.18.0 age adoption passing confidence major
prisma (source) ^4.14.1 -> ^5.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
react (source) 18.2.0 -> 18.3.1 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
react-dom (source) 18.2.0 -> 18.3.1 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
tailwind-merge ^1.12.0 -> ^2.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major
tailwindcss (source) 3.3.3 -> 3.4.14 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
typescript (source) 5.1.6 -> 5.6.3 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
uploadthing ^4.0.0 -> ^7.0.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies major

Release Notes

mantinedev/mantine (@​mantine/hooks) ### [`v7.13.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v7.13.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### What's Changed - `[@mantine/dates]` DateInput: Fix `onClick` handler passed to `getDayProps` not being called - `[@mantine/core]` Badge: Fix incorrect cursor styles - `[@mantine/core]` FileInput: Add `resetRef` prop support - `[@mantine/core]` Popover: Fix `onClose` function being called twice with controlled state - `[@mantine/spotlight]` Fix selected index not being reset when the spotlight is closed ([#​6842]( - `[@mantine/core]` Popover: Improve performance of scrolling when large number of closed Popovers are rendered on the same page ([#​6771]( - `[@mantine/core]` Pagination: Fix `getItemProps` not being able to override control `children` prop ([#​6789]( - `[@mantine/core]` ScrollArea: Fix `onBottomReached` not being called if the viewport has decimal px height value ([#​6792]( - `[@mantine/hooks]` use-in-viewport: Fix hook not reacting to node changes ([#​6926]( - `[@mantine/core]` NumberInput: Fix incorrect handling of decimal numbers with more than 15 decimal places ([#​6823]( - `[@mantine/core]` Slider: Fix marks not being aligned correctly ([#​6909]( - `[@mantine/hooks]` use-fullscreen: Fix target node changes being ignored ([#​6923]( - `[@mantine/core]` Badge: Fix incorrect sections alignment for `variant="dot"` - `[@mantine/core]` TagsInput: Fix incorrect logic of removing duplicate tags ([#​6922]( - `[@mantine/core]` AppShell: Fix error when Suspense is rendered inside AppShell ([#​6927]( - `[@mantine/core]` Menu: Fix `onKeyDown` prop not working in Menu.Dropdown component ([#​6910]( ##### New Contributors - [@​RabeeAbuBaker]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​linspw]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​fellmann]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​maclementED]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.13.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### What's Changed - `[@mantine/chart]` PieChart: Remove unused CSS ([#​6903]( - `[@mantine/core]` Menu: Fix `onKeyDown` not working when passed to Menu.Item ([#​6906]( - `[@mantine/core]` TagsInput: Fix duplicated tags being deleted when one of tags with the same value is deleted ([#​6907]( - `[@mantine/dates]` Fix hidden input value not respecting specified timezone ([#​6881]( - `[@mantine/hooks]` use-hover: Fix events not being reattached when the target node changes ([#​6782]( - `[@mantine/colors-generator]` Update chroma-js version to support the latest version ([#​6879]( - `[@mantine/core]` PinInput: Fix incorrect `Backspace` key handling on the first input ([#​6880]( - `[@mantine/hooks]` use-state-history: Add `reset` handler support ([#​6769]( - `[@mantine/core]` ScrollArea: Fix `onTopReached` prop not being passed down in ScrollArea.Autosize component ([#​6747]( - `[@mantine/chart]` Fix incorrect types for props passed down to recharts components ([#​6820]( - `[@mantine/form]` Fix indices over 9 not working in form paths in some cases ([#​6794]( - `[@mantine/chart]` BarChart: Fix BarLabel logging errors in the console ([#​6810]( - `[@mantine/chart]` Fix error when chart tooltip label contains period ([#​6826]( - `[@mantine/core]` Title: Add option to use Text font-size and line-height values with `size` prop ([#​6833]( - `[@mantine/date]` Calendar: Fix `nextLabel` and `previousLabel` props not working ([#​6847]( - `[@mantine/core]` Fix `2xl` and other similar values being treated as CSS value instead of theme value ([#​6855]( - `[@mantine/core]` Breadcrumbs: Fix component with large number of values not wrapping on small screens ([#​6863]( - `[@mantine/core]` Table: Fix thead being overlayed to td in some cases ([#​6860]( ##### New Contributors - [@​ozantekin]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​Vakarva]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​zrll12]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​AdhamMoussa]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​GZTimeWalker]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​max-degterev]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​ctdunc]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.13.0`]( 🎇 [Compare Source]( [View changelog with demos on website]( ##### Container queries support in Grid You can now use [container queries]( in [Grid]( component. With container queries, all responsive values are adjusted based on the container width, not the viewport width. Example of using container queries. To see how the grid changes, resize the root element of the demo with the resize handle located at the bottom right corner of the demo: ```tsx import { Grid } from '@​mantine/core'; function Demo() { return ( // Wrapper div is added for demonstration purposes only, // it is not required in real projects
1 2 3 4
); } ``` ##### CompositeChart component New [CompositeChart]( component allows using `Line`, `Area` and `Bar` charts together in a single chart: ```tsx import { CompositeChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` ##### Points labels [LineChart]( and [AreaChart]( now support `withPointLabels` prop to display labels on data points: ```tsx import { LineChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` [ScatterChart]( also supports point labels, but also allows to control which axis should display labels with `pointLabels` prop: ```tsx import { ScatterChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` ##### BarChart: Mixed stacks You can now control how [BarChart]( series are stacked by setting `stackId` property in series object: ```tsx import { BarChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` ##### BarChart: Minimum bar size [BarChart]( now supports `minBarSize` prop to set the minimum size of the bar in px: ```tsx import { BarChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` ##### Help Center updates - New [How to integrate custom input with use-form hook?]( question - New [Can I remove MultiSelect placeholder when the component has selected values?]( question - New [How can I load fonts in Remix?]( question - New [My styles are overridden by Mantine components styles, what should I do?]( question - New [Why I cannot use one polymorphic component in component prop of another polymorphic component?]( question - New [Can I use an array of strings as a list in use-form?]( question ##### Other changes - New demo has been added to [Chip]( component with an example of how to deselect radio chip - [BarChart]( now supports `maxBarWidth` prop to set the maximum width of each bar in px ### [`v7.12.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### What's Changed - `[@mantine/hooks]` use-idle: Fix idle countdown not starting if the user did non interact with the page ([#​6683]( - `[@mantine/core]` ScrollArea: Fix `onBottomReached` prop not being available in `ScrollArea.Autosize` component - `[@mantine/core]` Remove `children` from Checkbox, Radio and Switch types to avoid accidental errors - `[@mantine/core]` TypographyStylesProvider: Fix incorrect table styles in dark color scheme - `[@mantine/form]` Fix error thrown for nullable values dirty status check ([#​6672]( - `[@mantine/core]` Badge: Fix unexpected change to block layout, fix incorrect alignment when fixed width is set ([#​6698](, [#​6680]( - `[@mantine/core]` ScrollArea: Fix pointer-events being left as `none` after interaction with scrollbar ([#​6681]( - `[@mantine/core]` Tabs: Fix `keepMounted` prop being added as attribute to `Tabs.Panel` DOM element ([#​6711]( - `[@mantine/core]` Tree: Add `initialCheckedState` support ([#​6697]( - `[@mantine/spotlight]` Fix `SpotlightRoot` component not being exported ([#​6710]( - `[@mantine/dropzone]` Add `7z` and `rar` mime types exports ([#​6702]( - `[@mantine/dates]` DatePickerInput: Fix incorrect hovered date logic when the component receives value update with partial selected date range ([#​6718]( - `[@mantine/dates]` Fix `valueFormatter` prop being added to DateTimePicker types - `[@mantine/core]` Badge: Fix right/left sections height affecting the alignment of the label - `[@mantine/core]` Menu: Fix accessibility warning in devtools when the Menu is opened ([#​6644]( ##### New Contributors - [@​timesince]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​tokyojack]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​Streusel]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​fredgig]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​chimericdream]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​Aybrea]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### What's Changed - `[@mantine/dates]` DateInput: Fix default date being set to the current date when `minDate` is set to the future ([#​6646]( - `[@mantine/core]` ScrollArea: Fix incorrect thumb::before styles - `[@mantine/core]` Fix incorrect active styles of buttons used inside disabled fieldset - `[@mantine/form]` Fix `` callbacks not being fired when `form.initialize` is called ([#​6639]( - `[@mantine/core]` Switch: Fix Switch shrinking when large label or description is used ([#​6531]( - `[@mantine/core]` Combobox: Fix `Combobox.Search` overflow when `ScrollArea` is used in the dropdown ([#​6562]( - `[@mantine/core]` Accordion: Add missing `withProps` function ([#​6564]( - `[@mantine/core]` Pill: Fix remove icon overflowing pill container if its background color was changed with Styles API ([#​6565]( - `[@mantine/core]` PinInput: Allow passing props to individual input elements depending on index with `getInputProps` ([#​6588]( - `[@mantine/charts]`: Fix LineChart Legend and Tooltip to support nested names ([#​6536]( - `[@mantine/core]` Tooltip: Add missing `Tooltip.Group.extend` function ([#​6576]( - `[@mantine/spotlight]` Fix `limit` prop not working correctly with actions groups ([#​6632]( - `[@mantine/core]` Badge: Fix text overflow not being handled correctly ([#​6629]( - `[@mantine/core]` SegmentedControl: Add `data-disabled` attribute to the root element to simplify styling with Styles API ([#​6625]( - `[@mantine/core]` SegmentedControl: Fix initial position of indicator being broken when the component is used inside other element that has transitions on mount ([#​6622]( - `[@mantine/core]` TagsInput: Fix `onKeyDown` prop not working ([#​6569]( - `[@mantine/charts]` PieChart: Fix `valueFormatter` not working on outside labels ([#​6616]( - `[@mantine/core]` Popover: Fix `apply` function of `size` middleware not being handled correctly ([#​6598]( - `[@mantine/core]` Chip: Fix incorrect checked padding for `size="xl"` ([#​6586]( - `[@mantine/dates]` TimeInput: Fix incorrect focus styles of am/pm input ([#​6579]( - `[@mantine/hook]` use-os: Fix incorrect iPadOS detection ([#​6535]( - `[@mantine/core]` DatePickerInput: Fix incorrect `aria-label` being set on the input element ([#​6530]( - `[@mantine/core]` Menu: Fix incorrect Escape key handling inside Modal ([#​6580]( ##### New Contributors - [@​vorant94]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​hajimism]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​ziimakc]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​th3fallen]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​david-szabo97]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​bastiankistner]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​inx-fldu]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​michaelperros]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​risen228]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​ddoemonn]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​yorkeJohn]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​raulfpl]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​uriFrischman]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.12.0`]( 🌟 [Compare Source]( [View changelog with demos on website]( #### Notifications at any position It is now possible to display notifications at any position on the screen with [@​mantine/notifications package]( ```tsx import { Button } from '@​mantine/core'; import { notifications } from '@​mantine/notifications'; const positions = [ 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-center', 'bottom-center', ] as const; function Demo() { const buttons = => ( )); return {buttons}; } ``` #### Subscribe to notifications state You can now subscribe to notifications state changes with `useNotifications` hook: ```tsx import { Button } from '@​mantine/core'; import { notifications } from '@​mantine/notifications'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` #### SemiCircleProgress component New [SemiCircleProgress]( component: ```tsx import { SemiCircleProgress } from '@​mantine/core'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` #### Tree checked state [Tree]( component now supports checked state: ```tsx import { IconChevronDown } from '@​tabler/icons-react'; import { Checkbox, Group, RenderTreeNodePayload, Tree } from '@​mantine/core'; import { data } from './data'; const renderTreeNode = ({ node, expanded, hasChildren, elementProps, tree, }: RenderTreeNodePayload) => { const checked = tree.isNodeChecked(node.value); const indeterminate = tree.isNodeIndeterminate(node.value); return ( (!checked ? tree.checkNode(node.value) : tree.uncheckNode(node.value))} /> tree.toggleExpanded(node.value)}> {node.label} {hasChildren && ( )} ); }; function Demo() { return ; } ``` #### Disable specific features in postcss-preset-mantine You can now disable specific features of the [postcss-preset-mantine]( by setting them to `false` in the configuration object. This feature is available starting from `postcss-preset-mantine@1.17.0`. ```tsx module.exports = { 'postcss-preset-mantine': { features: { // Turn off `light-dark` function lightDarkFunction: false, // Turn off `postcss-nested` plugin nested: false, // Turn off `lighten`, `darken` and `alpha` functions colorMixAlpha: false, // Turn off `rem` and `em` functions remEmFunctions: false, // Turn off `postcss-mixins` plugin mixins: false, }, }, }; ``` #### Help Center updates - [Server components guide]( has been updated to include `Component.extend` usage in server components. - [A guide on applying input focus styles]( has been updated to work correctly with [PasswordInput]( and other components in which the `input` selector is not used for actual input element. - The guide on [how to disable all inputs in the form]( now includes additional instructions for [use-form]( - New [Can I have color schemes other than light and dark?]( guide explains the difference between color scheme and theme and why Mantine does not support custom color schemes. - New [Why VSCode cannot autoimport Text component?]( guide explains why VSCode cannot automatically import `Text` component. - New [Are Mantine components accessible?]( question - New [How can I focus the first input with error with use-form?]( question - New [How to scroll to the top of the form if the form is submitted with errors?]( question - New [Why my notifications are displayed at a wrong position?]( question - New [Why my screen is completely empty after I've added notifications package?]( question - New [Why can I not use value/label data structure with Autocomplete/TagsInput?]( question - New [Why FileButton does not work in Menu?]( question - New [How can I display different elements in light and dark color schemes?]( question #### Other changes - [use-interval]( hook now supports `autoInvoke` option to start the interval automatically when the component mounts. - [use-form]( with `mode="uncontrolled"` now triggers additional rerender when dirty state changes to allow subscribing to form state changes. - [ScrollArea]( component now supports `onTopReached` and `onBottomReached` props. The functions are called when the user scrolls to the top or bottom of the scroll area. - [Accordion.Panel]( component now supports `onTransitionEnd` prop that is called when the panel animation completes. ### [`v7.11.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v7.11.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### What's Changed - `[@mantine/core]` Add option to display `nothingFoundMessage` when data is empty in Select and MultiSelect components ([#​6477]( - `[@mantine/core]` Tooltip: Add `defaultOpened` prop support ([#​6466]( - `[@mantine/core]` PinInput: Fix incorrect rtl logic ([#​6382]( - `[@mantine/core]` Popover: Fix `floatingStrategy="fixed"` not having `position:fixed` styles ([#​6419]( - `[@mantine/spotlight]` Fix spotlight not working correctly with shadow DOM ([#​6400]( - `[@mantine/form]` Fix `onValuesChange` using stale values ([#​6392]( - `[@mantine/carousel]` Fix `onSlideChange` using stale props values ([#​6393]( - `[@mantine/charts]` Fix unexpected padding on the right side of the chart in BarChart, AreaChart and LineChart components ([#​6467]( - `[@mantine/core]` Select: Fix `onChange` being called with the already selected if it has been picked from the dropdown ([#​6468]( - `[@mantine/dates]` DatePickerInput: Fix `highlightToday` not working ([#​6471]( - `[@mantine/core]` NumberInput: Fix incorrect handling of numbers larger than max safe integer on blur ([#​6407]( - `[@mantine/core]` Tooltip: Fix tooltip arrow being incompatible with headless mode ([#​6458]( - `[@mantine/core]` ActionIcon: Fix loading styles inconsistency with Button component ([#​6460]( - `[@mantine/charts]` PieChart: Fix key error for duplicated `name` data ([#​6067]( - `[@mantine/core]` Modal: Fix `removeScrollProps.ref` not being compatible with React 19 ([#​6446]( - `[@mantine/core]` TagsInput: Fix `selectFirstOptionOnChange` prop not working ([#​6337]( - `[@mantine/hooks]` use-eye-dropper: Fix Opera being incorrectly detected as a supported browser ([#​6307]( - `[@mantine/core]` Fix `:host` selector now working correctly in `cssVariablesSelector` of MantineProvider ([#​6404]( - `[@mantine/core]` TagsInput: Fix `onChange` being called twice when Enter key is pressed in some cases ([#​6416]( - `[@mantine/modals]` Fix Modal overrides type augmentation not working with TypeScript 5.5 ([#​6443]( - `[@mantine/core]` Tree: Fix `levelOffset` prop being added to the root DOM element ([#​6461]( ##### New Contributors - [@​bsl-zcs]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​florisdg]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​snlacks]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​lid0a]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​Knamer95]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​yyytae0]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​toanxyz]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​viktorkasap]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​alexlapp]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​brycefranzen]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​marcobiedermann]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​mullwar]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​gruschis]( made their first contribution in []( - [@​jpranays]( made their first contribution in []( **Full Changelog**: ### [`v7.11.0`]( 👁️ [Compare Source]( [View changelog with demos on website]( ##### withProps function All Mantine components now have `withProps` static function that can be used to add default props to the component: ```tsx import { IMaskInput } from 'react-imask'; import { Button, InputBase } from '@​mantine/core'; const LinkButton = Button.withProps({ component: 'a', target: '_blank', rel: 'noreferrer', variant: 'subtle', }); const PhoneInput = InputBase.withProps({ mask: '+7 (000) 000-0000', component: IMaskInput, label: 'Your phone number', placeholder: 'Your phone number', }); function Demo() { return ( <> {/* You can pass additional props to components created with `withProps` */} Mantine website {/* Component props override default props defined in `withProps` */} ); } ``` ##### Avatar initials [Avatar]( component now supports displaying initials with auto generated color based on the given `name` value. To display initials instead of the default placeholder, set `name` prop to the name of the person, for example, `name="John Doe"`. If the name is set, you can use `color="initials"` to generate color based on the name: ```tsx import { Avatar, Group } from '@​mantine/core'; const names = [ 'John Doe', 'Jane Mol', 'Alex Lump', 'Sarah Condor', 'Mike Johnson', 'Kate Kok', 'Tom Smith', ]; function Demo() { const avatars = => ); return {avatars}; } ``` ##### BubbleChart component New [BubbleChart]( component: ```tsx import { BubbleChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` ##### BarChart waterfall type [BarChart]( component now supports `waterfall` type which is useful for visualizing changes in values over time: ```tsx import { BarChart } from '@​mantine/charts'; import { data } from './data'; function Demo() { return ( ); } ``` ##### LineChart gradient type [LineChart](


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "before 4am on the first day of the month" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.

renovate[bot] commented 7 months ago

⚠ Artifact update problem

Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is.

♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens:

The artifact failure details are included below:

File name: package-lock.json
npm error code ERESOLVE
npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm error
npm error While resolving: reddit-clone@0.1.0
npm error Found: eslint@9.2.0
npm error node_modules/eslint
npm error   eslint@"9.2.0" from the root project
npm error
npm error Could not resolve dependency:
npm error peer eslint@"^7.23.0 || ^8.0.0" from eslint-config-next@14.2.3
npm error node_modules/eslint-config-next
npm error   eslint-config-next@"14.2.3" from the root project
npm error
npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm error
npm error
npm error For a full report see:
npm error /tmp/renovate/cache/others/npm/_logs/2024-05-08T15_05_42_530Z-eresolve-report.txt

npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /tmp/renovate/cache/others/npm/_logs/2024-05-08T15_05_42_530Z-debug-0.log