Closed patykolak closed 1 year ago
version: ebusd 21.2.v21.2 signal: acquired symbol rate: 24 max symbol rate: 122 min arbitration micros: 653 max arbitration micros: 2660 min symbol latency: 4 max symbol latency: 5 reconnects: 0 masters: 3 messages: 214 conditional: 3 poll: 0 update: 10 address 03: master #11 address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0604;HW=5502", loaded "vaillant/", "vaillant/08.bai.csv" address 10: master #2 address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=45000;SW=0109;HW=7102" address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd
How can I provide data to allow creating fully compatible config for this device ?
can somebody do the copy with a local checkout and verify that all messages are decodable and provide some senseful values please?
I'll check it soon.
450 ACTOstorDetected = no
450 actoSTOROPMode = 0
450 ActualRoomTempDesiredHc1 = 5.00
450 ActualWeekday = Sun
450 ADCValueTempbelow = 2055
450 ASCDetected = no
450 B51000M10HwcFlowSetMon = -
450 B51000M12DisableBitsMon = 69
450 B51000M14Monitor = 0
450 B51000M7OpModeMonitor = 0
450 B51000M8HeatFlowSetMonitor = 0.0
450 B51000M9TappingSetMon = -
450 B51000TempDesiredLoadingPump = -
450 BMUB51101BoilerFlowTemp = 29.5
450 BMUB51101ErrorStatus = 0
450 BMUB51101HwcState = 0
450 BMUB51101StorageTemp = 31.0
450 BMUFlowTempOrVF1 = 29.50;ok
450 CalculatedKickStopTime = 0
450 ccTimer.Friday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 ccTimer.Monday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 ccTimer.Saturday = 07:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;selected
450 ccTimer.Sunday = 07:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 ccTimer.Thursday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 ccTimer.Tuesday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 ccTimer.Wednesday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 ChimneySweepModeActive = no
450 CirPump = no
450 ClockSwitchSummerWinterDone = no
450 ContactName =
450 ContinuosHeating = -26
450 coolingTimer.Friday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Mo-Fr
450 coolingTimer.Monday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 coolingTimer.Saturday = 07:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;selected
450 coolingTimer.Sunday = 07:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 coolingTimer.Thursday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 coolingTimer.Tuesday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 coolingTimer.Wednesday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 CountryVariant = 0
450 CPLPLast24started = no
450 currenterror = -;-;-;-;-
450 Date = 03.01.2010
450 DcfIsValid = no
450 DisplayedHc1RoomTempDesired = 5.0
450 DisplayedHwcStorageTemp = 31.0
450 DisplayedRoomTemp = 23.06
450 EepromUpdateActive = no
450 EnermanState = 0
450 errorhistory = ERR: end of input reached
450 ExcessTemp = 0.0
450 FactoryTestActive = no
450 FrostOverRideTime = 4
450 FrostProtectDelayMonitor = no
450 FrostProtectionRequiredMonitor = no
450 FrostProtectStateMonitor = 0
450 GlobalSystemOff = off
450 Hc1ActualFlowTempDesired = 0.0
450 Hc1AutoOffMode = eco
450 Hc1BankHolidayEndPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc1BankHolidayStartPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc1DayTemp = 23.5
450 Hc1FloorPavementDryingDay = 0
450 Hc1FloorPavementDryingTemp = 0.0
450 Hc1HcType = burnercircuit
450 Hc1HeatCurve = 0.45
450 Hc1HolidayEndPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc1HolidayRoomTemp = 4.5
450 Hc1HolidayStartPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc1MinimalFlowTempDesired = 15.0
450 Hc1NightTemp = 21.0
450 Hc1OPMode = summer
450 Hc1PreCutOffActive = no
450 Hc1PreOrContinuosHeatingActive = no
450 Hc1Pump = off
450 Hc1PumpLast24started = yes
450 Hc1QuickVetoTemp = 0.0
450 Hc1RoomTempSwitchOn = thermostat
450 Hc1SFMode = none
450 Hc1SummerOffset = 1.0
450 Hc2BankHolidayEndPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc2BankHolidayPeriodIsActive = no
450 Hc2BankHolidayStartPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc2HcType = mixing
450 Hc2HolidayEndPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc2HolidayPeriodIsActive = no
450 Hc2HolidayStartPeriod = 01.01.2010
450 Hc2OPMode = 0
450 Hc2SFMode = none
450 Hc2TempDesiredB50418 = 0.0
450 HcMc1ConfigCPLP = off
450 HcMc1CPLPState = off
450 HcMc1Detected = no
450 HcName1 = OBIEG 1
450 HcName2 = OBIEG 2
450 hcTimer.Friday = 05:30;22:30;22:40;22:40;22:40;22:40;Sa-Su
450 hcTimer.Monday = 05:30;22:30;22:40;22:40;22:40;22:40;Sa-Su
450 hcTimer.Saturday = 07:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;selected
450 hcTimer.Sunday = 07:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 hcTimer.Thursday = 05:30;22:30;22:40;22:40;22:40;22:40;Sa-Su
450 hcTimer.Tuesday = 05:30;22:30;22:40;22:40;22:40;22:40;Sa-Su
450 hcTimer.Wednesday = 05:30;22:30;22:40;22:40;22:40;22:40;Sa-Su
450 HwcActualTempDesired = 0.0
450 HwcCircuitActive = no
450 HwcLegioStartDay = off
450 HwcLegioStartTime = 04:00:00
450 HwcLoadingIn430Active = no
450 HwcLoadingOffset = 25.0
450 HwcOPMode = off
450 HwcParallelLoading = off
450 HwcPressLowpostrunningtime = 5
450 HwcTempDesired = 60.0
450 hwcTimer.Friday = 05:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 hwcTimer.Monday = 05:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 hwcTimer.Saturday = 07:00;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;selected
450 hwcTimer.Sunday = 07:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 hwcTimer.Thursday = 05:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 hwcTimer.Tuesday = 05:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 hwcTimer.Wednesday = 05:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 HydraulicMap = 0
450 HydraulicSwitch = no
450 InstallAssistant = on
450 KeyCodeforConfigMenu = 0000
450 LanguageVariant = polish
450 LcdContrastValue = 9
450 LegioProtectActive = no
450 MaintenanceDate = 01.01.2011
450 MenuTestingCurrParameterTextId = ERR: read timeout
450 MenuTestingCurrPid = ERR: read timeout
450 MenuTestingCurrScreenCount = ERR: read timeout
450 MenuTestingCurrValue = ERR: read timeout
450 MenuTestingSymAddrFromCurrValue = ERR: read timeout
450 MonitorCurrentIPart = ERR: read timeout
450 MonitorEEpromInkonsiNumber = ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
450 OpModeEffect = HC1
450 OutsideTemp = 0.00;ok
450 OutsideTempOffset = 0.0
450 PhoneNumber =
450 PreheatingTime = 300
450 PreStopTime = 20
450 PumpBlockingTimeMax = 0
450 PumpEnergySaveCalculatedTimeMonitor = 0
450 PumpEnergySaveStateMonitor = 1
450 RaumtempIstUnten = 24.88;ok
450 RoomTemp = 24.88;ok
450 RoomTempCorrection = 0.0
450 RoomTempOffsetSelfWarming = -1.81
450 SolModuleDetected = no
450 StartEepromUpdate = no
450 StatusDcf = nosignal
450 SummerWinterTimeAdjust = auto
450 tariffTimer.Friday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Mo-Fr
450 tariffTimer.Monday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 tariffTimer.Saturday = 07:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;23:30;selected
450 tariffTimer.Sunday = 07:30;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 tariffTimer.Thursday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;selected
450 tariffTimer.Tuesday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 tariffTimer.Wednesday = 06:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;22:00;Sa-Su
450 TestVarActivateFunction = 0
450 Time = 12:06:50
450 V430PluggedIn = no
450 VF1 = 0.00;cutoff
450 VR81ActiveForHc1 = no
450 VR81ActiveForHc2 = no
450 VR81Detected = no
450 YieldLastYear = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
450 YieldThisYear = 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
I confirm that config of 15.470.csv works well.
Please copy config form Calormatic 470 to Calormatic 450. I have Calormatic 450 and ebusd not found configuration file.