john30 / ebusd-configuration

ebusd configuration files
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Need some help to decode hautec heatpump with TEM processor #277

Open ChristianCr128 opened 2 years ago

ChristianCr128 commented 2 years ago

Hi at all, i started to use ebusd with ebusadapter to get data from my hautec heatpump. Installation went realy easy and i could collect data. But now there is my problem. I want to start decoding the TEM messages and provide a csv file but i couldn't find a start. So maybe some one could give me a short help that i could start decoding. Here are my informaton which i get from the ebus:

ebusctl info: root@debian:/etc/ebusd# ebusctl info version: ebusd 22.4.v22.4 device:, enhanced signal: acquired symbol rate: 44 max symbol rate: 111 min arbitration micros: 0 max arbitration micros: 78 min symbol latency: 30 max symbol latency: 35 reconnects: 0 masters: 5 messages: 15 conditional: 0 poll: 0 update: 4 address 01: master #6 address 03: master #11 address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=TEM;ID=WE_1 ;SW=3632;HW=3030" address 10: master #2 address 13: master #12 address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=TEM;ID=19348;SW=0363;HW=0102" address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd

ebusctl find: broadcast datetime = 19.801;15:04:29;17.10.2022 broadcast error = no data stored broadcast id = no data stored broadcast id = no data stored broadcast signoflife = no data stored memory eeprom = no data stored memory ram = no data stored scan.06 = no data stored scan.08 = TEM;WE_1 ;3632;3030 scan.15 = TEM;19348;0363;0102 scan.18 = no data stored

ebusctl grab result 1003050a00 = 1248 1013050a00 = 1120 100305020101 = 1205 101305020101 = 1367 10fe050d0a24b5b500b5b5b5b5b5b5 = 1143 10fe0801080015192b0000e614 = 344 10fe0801081914193000004d14 = 521 10fe0801083314193000006614 = 278 10fe0801084d14193000008014 = 104 10fe0801086614193000008014 = 51 10fe0801088014cd2f00009a14 = 160 10fe0801089a14193000008014 = 407 10fe080108b314332b0000e614 = 430 10fe080108cd14e62f00009a14 = 246 10fe080108e614332b0000e614 = 232 10fe0802080000003000000000 = 3255 10fe100a0e1001ce00000000000000de010000 = 8071 10fe100a0c1101c6000000000000005000 = 8302 01150620020c01 / 080000000000000000 = 949 01150620020d01 / 080003000000000000 = 821 01150620020e01 / 080000000000000000 = 995 01150620020f01 / 080000000300100000 = 963 01150620021001 / 080000000000000000 = 964 01150620021101 / 080000000000000000 = 1021 01150620021201 / 080000000000000000 = 1018 01150620021301 / 080000000000000000 = 994 100305010a0023300c000000000001 = 807 100305010a0022300d000000000001 = 219 100305010a0023300d000000000001 = 188 100305010a0022300e000000000000 = 400 100305010a0021300f000000000000 = 1 100305010a0022300f000000000001 = 1181 100305010a00213010000000000001 = 274 100305010a00213011000000000001 = 223 100305010a00203012000000000001 = 238 100305010a00213012000000000001 = 210 100305010a00203013000000000000 = 467 100305010a00203014000000000000 = 94 101305010a0000300c000000000101 = 763 101305010a0000300d000000000101 = 394 101305010a0000300e000000000100 = 389 101305010a0000300f000000000101 = 1179 101305010a00003010000000000101 = 261 101305010a00003011000000000101 = 220 101305010a00003012000000000101 = 421 101305010a00003013000000000100 = 426 101305010a00003014000000000100 = 88 011506210402c80042 / 0a4841042a9f0500009104 = 52 011506210402c90042 / 0a49c10000060000000500 = 50 011506210402c80040 / 0a4841042a9f050000f602 = 4925 011506210402c90040 / 0a49c10000060000000000 = 4838 011506210402b30046 / 0a33810000ff0000000100 = 5142 011506210400800046 / 0a00800d02f4010cfec600 = 5171 011506210400810046 / 0a01000d02f40100000080 = 4988 011506210400820046 / 0a02800d02e8030000ce00 = 4990 011506210400ba0046 / 0a3a800308640000000080 = 5240 011506210400810048 / 0a01000d02f40100000080 = 5058 011506210400820048 / 0aff9f0000000000000000 = 87 011506210402b4004a / 0a34810000ff0000000000 = 5274 011506210400ba0048 / 0a3a800308640000000080 = 5251 01150621040084004a / 0a04800d02e8030000de01 = 5124 011506210402b30048 / 0a33810000ff0000000000 = 5393 01150621047d800002 / 0a07800d02e8030000d200 = 32 01150621047d810002 / 0a87800d02e80300000000 = 49 01150621047d820002 / 0a08800d02e8030000d100 = 58 01150621047d830002 / 0a46800d02e8030000d300 = 51 01150621047d840002 / 0a47800d02e8030000e000 = 47 01150621047d8c0002 / 0a8a8b043cffff0000b800 = 1 01150621047d8e0002 / 0a8c8b043cffff00000000 = 1 01150621047d8f0002 / 0a888b0000c80000090000 = 1 031005030a010000002914ff3f0000 = 10330 131005030a0100000029ffff3f4300 = 9893

If more information needed, i will try to provide it. Thanks for any help.

arstom commented 1 year ago

Have you taken a look in ebusd wiki?