I am currently trying to decode missing parameter for the VRC 720(f).
I found the parameter to read the value for "Bivalenzpunkt Heizen". Which is:
When I set the value to -17, I get the following result
ebusctl hex 15b524060200000023000803002300000088c1
The value is 88c1
I recorded the hex values for different settings, but I could not identify the correct data type. I first thought that it needs to be devided by 8, but this does noct work for all. Here are my results:
I am currently trying to decode missing parameter for the VRC 720(f). I found the parameter to read the value for "Bivalenzpunkt Heizen". Which is:
When I set the value to -17, I get the following resultebusctl hex 15b52406020000002300
The value is88c1
I recorded the hex values for different settings, but I could not identify the correct data type. I first thought that it needs to be devided by 8, but this does noct work for all. Here are my results:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Setting | HEX -- | -- -18 | 90c1 -16 | 80c1 -5 | a0c0 -2 | 00c0 -1 | 80bf 0 | 0000 1 | 803f 2 | 0040 3 | 4040 4 | 8040 5 | a040 6 | c040 7 | 0e40 8 | 0041 9 | 1041 10 | 2041 16 | 8041 17 | 8841 18 | 9041