john30 / ebusd-esp

Firmware for ESP8266 allowing eBUS communication for ebusd (
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ebusd Docker Multi-arch support includes linux/arm* platforms? #42

Closed netweaver1970 closed 3 years ago

netweaver1970 commented 3 years ago

Hi, when trying to do a docker pull, as per your instructions, on my 64bit Raspberry but whatever I try, I'm getting an image for linux/amd64 architecture served. Is the auto multi-arch selection working fine? Are the other achitectures uploaded? image

actually, my platform as per uname -m is: image

Then, when trying to specify the specific platform to pull (hard-coded) on the docker run command line, I'm getting the same error: image

Also with arm64v8 as platform: image

also with the linux/arm32v7 platform: image

Are the linux/arm* architectures missing or am I doing something wrong? Can you provide, in case not provided or help further? All my other containers on this box are fine, no single issue with architectures so I feel it must be an EBUSD image issue.

Also, can you provide some examples for docker-compose usage? It might save time later for people wanting to implement. I started with it but I could not verify it yet since I can't even get the base use-case (with docker run) working due to the missing image for my architecture.

#  ebusd:
#    container_name: ebusd
#    image: john30/ebusd
#    restart: unless-stopped
#    ports:
#      - "8888"
#    volumes:
#      - ./volumes/ebusd/data:/data
#    command: -f --scanconfig --mqttport=1883 --mqtthost= --mqttuser=ebusd -d enh:


john30 commented 3 years ago

wrong repo