john30 / ebusd-esp32

Firmware for ESP32-C3 allowing eBUS communication for ebusd (
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Kein Signal zur Weishaupt WTU 15-S #30

Closed flipi0815 closed 7 months ago

flipi0815 commented 9 months ago


Das Ebus V5 Shield hängt an einer WTU CPU-B1 von Weishaupt, bekommt aber keinerlei Kommunikation. Anschluss passt 100%. Der ebusd läuft auf einer Debian 12 VM und ist verbunden.

Kann ich den Adapter durchmessen? Multimeter, Labornetzgerät und Elektrikerkenntnisse vorhanden.

Hier einige Logs und Infos

ebus Adapter info:

Chip ID: 58cf79e6f978, ESP32-C3, rev 3 Hostname: ebus-weishaupt PCB: 22.1 Flash: 4194304 Version: v5.2-dev-3318-g8fc8f3f479 Reset reason: 5 eBUS r/w: 1/0 Host r/w: 4/20 Up time: 45 Free heap: 102372 ebusd connected: yes (inactive) eBUS signal: no signal

eBus Adapter Log:

22:50:20   2 fade started
22:50:20 Info execute: sleep 1000
22:50:21 Info statusLedTimerFn: duty set to 255
22:50:21 Info execute: if "isio -l 9" "var skipstart 1"
22:50:21 Info execute: isio -l 9
22:50:21   IO 9 level 1 is unmet
22:50:21 Info execute: io -iu 6
22:50:21   IO 6 direction set to 01
22:50:21   IO 6 pull set to 00
22:50:21   IO 6 = 1
22:50:21 Info execute: var rpi 0
22:50:21 Info execute: if "isio -l 6" "var rpi 1"
22:50:21 Info execute: isio -l 6
22:50:21   IO 6 level 1 is unmet
22:50:21 Info execute: var isnew 1
22:50:21 Info execute: if "§isnvs" "var isnew 0"
22:50:21 Info execute: isnvs
22:50:21 Info execute: var isnew 0
22:50:21 Info execute: if "§isnvs sta.on" "var isnew 0"
22:50:21 Info execute: isnvs sta.on
22:50:21 Info execute: var isnew 0
22:50:21 Info execute: if "§isnvs eth.on" "var isnew 0"
22:50:21 Info execute: isnvs eth.on
22:50:21 Warning execute: command failed: isnvs eth.on = 1
22:50:21 Info execute: on -lo iol 9 "led 0 255" "led 1 255" "led 2 255" "sleep 500" restart
22:50:21   io trigger installed
22:50:21 Info execute: on iol 9 "led 2 50 0"
22:50:21   io trigger installed
22:50:21 Info execute: if "var skipstart" "led 0 255 0 5000" "led 2 50" "ap EBUS" server exit
22:50:21 Info execute: var skipstart
22:50:21   variable skipstart = 0
22:50:21 Info execute: function start server "led 0 10"
22:50:21   function installed
22:50:21 Info execute: on wifi 1 start
22:50:21   network trigger installed
22:50:21 Info execute: on eth 1 start
22:50:21   network trigger installed
22:50:21 Info execute: if "isnvs sta.on" "led 0 10 255 5000" "sleep 100" sta
22:50:21 Info execute: isnvs sta.on
22:50:21 Info execute: led 0 10 255 5000
22:50:21 Info execute: sleep 100
22:50:22 Info statusLedTimerFn: duty set to 10
22:50:22 Info execute: sta
22:50:22 Info pp: pp rom version: 9387209
22:50:22 Info net80211: net80211 rom version: 9387209
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: udp mbox: 6
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: WiFi IRAM OP enabled
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled
22:50:22 Info wifi_init: LWIP IRAM OP enabled
22:50:22 Info phy_init: phy_version 1130,b4e4b80,Sep 5 2023,11:09:30
22:50:22   using individual IP: /, gateway
22:50:22   sta connecting to 'renz'
22:50:24 Info cmd_wifi: sta connect, set fix ip
22:50:24 Info repl_event_task: wifi event: 1
22:50:24 Info execute: led 0 50
22:50:24 Info execute: start
22:50:24 Info execute: server
22:50:24 Info esp-rest: Starting HTTP Server
22:50:24   server started
22:50:24 Info execute: led 0 10
22:50:24 Info execute: if "var isnew" "ap EBUS" else "if \"isnvs ap.on\" ap"
22:50:24 Info execute: var isnew
22:50:24   variable isnew = 0
22:50:24 Info execute: if "isnvs ap.on" ap
22:50:24 Info execute: isnvs ap.on
22:50:24 Info execute: var eth 0
22:50:24 Info execute: if "eth -t" "var eth 1" else "if \"eth -wt\" \"var eth 2\""
22:50:24 Info execute: eth -t
22:50:24 Error w5500.mac: w5500_reset(302): reset timeout
22:50:24 Error w5500.mac: emac_w5500_init(793): reset w5500 failed
22:50:24 Error esp_eth: esp_eth_driver_install(228): init mac failed
22:50:24 Error eth: initialise_ethernet(250): install driver
22:50:24   Ethernet on USR-ES1 not available
22:50:24 Warning execute: command failed: eth -t = 1
22:50:24 Info execute: if "eth -wt" "var eth 2"
22:50:24 Info execute: eth -wt
22:50:25 Error w5500.mac: w5500_reset(302): reset timeout
22:50:25 Error w5500.mac: emac_w5500_init(793): reset w5500 failed
22:50:25 Error esp_eth: esp_eth_driver_install(228): init mac failed
22:50:25 Error eth: initialise_ethernet(250): install driver
22:50:25   Ethernet on W5500 module not available
22:50:25 Warning execute: command failed: eth -wt = 1
22:50:25 Info execute: on -o server 2 "after -o -m 500 0 restart"
22:50:25   server trigger installed
22:50:25 Info execute: io -a
22:50:25 Info execute: function chkethcfg "if \"eth -c\" \"var eth 1\""
22:50:25   function installed
22:50:25 Info execute: if "!var isnew" "if \"!var eth\" chkethcfg"
22:50:25 Info execute: var isnew
22:50:25   variable isnew = 0
22:50:25 Info execute: if "!var eth" chkethcfg
22:50:25 Info execute: var eth
22:50:25   variable eth = 0
22:50:25 Info execute: chkethcfg
22:50:25 Info execute: if "eth -c" "var eth 1"
22:50:25 Info execute: eth -c
22:50:25 Warning execute: command failed: eth -c = 1
22:50:25 Info execute: function enet eth "led 0 50" "led 1 50" "led 2 50"
22:50:25   function installed
22:50:25 Info execute: if "isnvs eth.on" "if \"var eth\" enet"
22:50:25 Info execute: isnvs eth.on
22:50:25 Warning execute: command failed: isnvs eth.on = 1
22:50:25 Info execute: function ebusnvs ebus "led 0 50"
22:50:25   function installed
22:50:25 Info execute: if "isnvs" ebusnvs exit
22:50:25 Info execute: isnvs
22:50:25 Info execute: ebusnvs
22:50:25 Info execute: ebus
22:50:25 Info init_ebus: switching to enhanced eBUS mode on TCP port (with bitrate deviation 0 and enhanced arbitration delay 600 us)
22:50:25 Info setup_uart: eBUS UART 1 on TX=10(inv) RX=7(inv) with 2400 Bd
22:50:25 Info uart: ALREADY NULL
22:50:25 Info host_task_tcp: listening
22:50:25 Info init_ebus: timer started
22:50:25 Info execute: led 0 50
22:50:25 Info execute: exit
22:50:25 Info execute: command exit
22:50:25 Info execute: command exit
22:50:25 Info replExecuteFromFile: successfully executed 41/41 commands from '/data/main.eas'
22:50:25   Welcome to eBUS Adapter Shield Interface! Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
22:50:25   Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.
22:50:25 Info main_task: Returned from app_main()
22:50:27 Info statusLedTimerFn: duty set to 10
22:50:27 Info statusLedTimerFn: duty set to 50

ebusd.log root@ebusd:~# tail -f /var/log/ebusd.log 2023-10-20 20:52:51.555 [main info] successfully read file broadcast.csv 2023-10-20 20:52:51.555 [main info] reading file memory.csv 2023-10-20 20:52:51.555 [main info] successfully read file memory.csv 2023-10-20 20:52:51.555 [main info] read config files, got 11 messages 2023-10-20 20:52:51.587 [bus notice] device status: resetting 2023-10-20 20:52:51.587 [main info] registering data handlers 2023-10-20 20:52:51.587 [main info] registered data handlers 2023-10-20 20:52:51.587 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36 2023-10-20 20:52:51.849 [bus notice] device status: reset, supports info 2023-10-20 20:52:51.956 [bus notice] device status: extra info: firmware 1.1[3a0f].1[3a0f], jumpers 0x0f


` root@ebusd:~# ebusctl -p 9000 localhost: info version: ebusd device:, enhanced, firmware 1.1[3a0f].1[3a0f] signal: no signal reconnects: 0 masters: 1 messages: 11 conditional: 0 poll: 0 update: 4 address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd

localhost: scan empty

localhost: find broadcast datetime = no data stored broadcast error = no data stored broadcast id = no data stored broadcast id = no data stored broadcast signoflife = no data stored memory eeprom = no data stored memory ram = no data stored

localhost: `

ebusd Optionen

EBUSD_OPTS=" --device=ens: -p 9000 --latency=10000 --receivetimeout=25000 --loglevel=info -l /var/log/ebusd.log --lograwdatafile=/var/log/ebusrawdata.log --httpport=9001 --htmlpath=/var/www/ebus/html/ --configpath=/etc/ebusd/config/ --scanconfig"

Vielen Dank für das Projekt und die Mühe

john30 commented 9 months ago

check if the eBUS connector really has voltage on it (should be something between 10 and 20V).