john30 / ebusd-esp32

Firmware for ESP32-C3 allowing eBUS communication for ebusd (
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Keine Verbindung zu Vaillant Komponenten #32

Closed burni737 closed 6 months ago

burni737 commented 8 months ago

Ich versuche nun seit einigen Wochen meinen ebus adapter v5 mit meiner Vaillant Heizung in Betrieb zu nehmen. Leider ohne Erfolg.

Firmware auf dem ebus-adapter: 2023-10-15 Ebusd version: ebusd


Bei der auromatic verwende ich die beiden mittleren Pins des RJ11 Buchse und bei der Gasheizung die Bus-Klemmen auf der Platine. Ich habe beide Bus-Leitungen gemessen.

Bei der auromatic 560 habe ich konstant ca. 22 Volt auromatic_560

Bei der Gasheizung sehe ich ein Rechtecksignal. vrc_470_4

ebusd wird mit folgenden Parametern gestartet: --scanconfig=full --device ens:/dev/ttyACM0 --loglevel=debug -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd.log

Die grüne LED auf der Platine leuchtet, sonst tut sich aber nicht viel. "ebusctl info" gibt mir die folgenden Werte aus; version: ebusd device: /dev/ttyACM0, enhanced high speed signal: no signal reconnects: 0 masters: 1 messages: 11 conditional: 0 poll: 0 update: 4 address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd

Da ich aktuell keine Ahnung mehr habe, woran es liegen könnte, wäre ich für jeden Tipp dankbar.

EDIT: Bislang habe ich die beiden Vaillant-Geräte jeweils einzeln ausprobiert. Könnte ich beide Geräte über den ebus mit dem ebus Adapter verbinden oder müsste ich einen zweiten Adapter kaufen?

================================================================== english version:

Since a couple of weeks, I am trying to connect my ebus adapter v5 to a Vaillant heating system but with no sccuess.

Firmware of the ebus-adapter: 2023-10-15 Ebusd version: ebusd


From the auromatic I am using the middle pins of the rj11 connector and from the gas heating I am using the bus connectors from the pcb. both bus connections have been meassured.

auromatic 560 shows constant 22 volt auromatic_560

gas heating is showing a square signal vrc_470_4

ebusd is started with followin parameters: --scanconfig=full --device ens:/dev/ttyACM0 --loglevel=debug -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd.log

Die green led of the ebus adapter is on. "ebusctl info" retruns the following values: version: ebusd device: /dev/ttyACM0, enhanced high speed signal: no signal reconnects: 0 masters: 1 messages: 11 conditional: 0 poll: 0 update: 4 address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd

At the moment I have no idea why I do not get a signal. I would be happy for any help.

At the moment, I connect either the auromatic or the gas heating to the ebus adapter. Would it be possible to connect both vaillant devices to one ebus adapter or would I need a second one?

john30 commented 8 months ago

only the one with the rectangular signal seems to be working out of the box. so when you connect the adapter to that one, you should see at least a signal acquired on ebusd. you can then try to scan for devices using a full scan or broadcast scan e.g.

for the other one, you can configure ebusd to act as SYN generator (--generatesyn) so that communication is possible at all. then you can again check with full/broadcast scan what devices identify themselves.

connecting two busses is possibly in principle, but I wouldn't dare to (I have 3 separate ones myself). anyway, if you do, watch the polarization and disconnect if anything gets warmer thatn ususal (as it might consume extra current which it shouldn't). but as said, I wouldn't.

burni737 commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your reply.

Today I had time to test again.

For the one with the rectangular signal, I do not get a "signal acquired", no matter what I do. I did even test different modes of operation,

ebusd -f --device /dev/ttyACM0
ebusd -f --device enh:/dev/ttyACM0
ebusd -f --device ens:/dev/ttyACM0

but I always have "status: no signal".

For the other one, I tested with --generatesyn, but then I get a lot of bus errors:

ebusd -f --device ens:/dev/ttyACM0 --generatesyn
2023-11-23 20:05:02.032 [bus notice] device status: resetting
2023-11-23 20:05:02.032 [main notice] ebusd started with broadcast scan on device: /dev/ttyACM0, enhanced high speed
2023-11-23 20:05:02.640 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2023-11-23 20:05:02.640 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2023-11-23 20:05:02.641 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced following byte 1
2023-11-23 20:05:02.673 [bus notice] device status: reset, supports info
2023-11-23 20:05:02.673 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2023-11-23 20:05:02.673 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced following byte 1
2023-11-23 20:05:02.673 [bus notice] acting as AUTO-SYN generator
2023-11-23 20:05:02.673 [bus notice] signal acquired
2023-11-23 20:05:02.674 [bus error] device status: unexpected enhanced byte 2
2023-11-23 20:05:02.674 [bus error] device status: unexpected available enhanced following byte 1

I also tested different operation modes:

ebusd -f --device /dev/ttyACM0 --generatesyn
2023-11-23 20:06:00.588 [main notice] ebusd started with broadcast scan on device: /dev/ttyACM0
2023-11-23 20:06:01.197 [bus notice] bus started with own address 31/36
2023-11-23 20:06:01.624 [bus error] received 81 instead of AUTO-SYN symbol
2023-11-23 20:06:01.624 [bus notice] signal acquired
2023-11-23 20:06:03.457 [bus notice] acting as AUTO-SYN generator
2023-11-23 20:06:03.457 [bus notice] signal acquired
2023-11-23 20:06:11.198 [main notice] starting initial broadcast scan
2023-11-23 20:06:11.271 [bus error] send to fe: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2023-11-23 20:06:11.334 [bus error] received fe instead of AUTO-SYN symbol
2023-11-23 20:06:11.334 [bus notice] signal acquired
2023-11-23 20:06:11.334 [bus error] send to fe: ERR: no signal, give up
2023-11-23 20:06:11.334 [main error] initial scan failed: ERR: no signal
2023-11-23 20:06:20.700 [main notice] starting initial broadcast scan
2023-11-23 20:06:20.852 [bus error] received 31 instead of AUTO-SYN symbol
2023-11-23 20:06:20.852 [bus notice] signal acquired
2023-11-23 20:06:20.852 [bus error] send to fe: ERR: no signal, give up
2023-11-23 20:06:20.852 [main error] initial scan failed: ERR: no signal
2023-11-23 20:06:20.952 [bus error] received 31 instead of AUTO-SYN symbol
2023-11-23 20:06:20.952 [bus notice] signal acquired

What would be the best way to further debug this issue? If there anything I can meassure or test to see if the adapter is "broken"?

john30 commented 7 months ago

did you set up the adapter to use the enhanced protocol and to connect on the Raspi lines? or how is the host running ebusd connected to the adapter?

burni737 commented 6 months ago

I erased all my settings and uploaded the latest firmware to the adapter. This time I entered my wlan credentials to connect to wlan. I used the web interface to change the configuration to enhanced protocol and usb port. After reboot I verified my settings in the web interface and everything was fine.

After connecting the ebus my heating system was detected and ebus communication seams to work fine now.

After all I am not sure why it is working now. I assume I did not configure the adapter correctly via console.

Many thanks for your help.

Solarer commented 6 months ago

@burni737 Did you initially connect your adapter via USB to the raspberry? I am facing the exact same issues with my Vaillant devices as you and also managed to get it working via WIFi...² I will open a new ticket and would like to link to this ticket aswell

burni737 commented 6 months ago

@Solarer The adapter was and is connected via usb. Initially I did not plan to use wifi, therefore I did not configure it. I tried to configure the adapter via the command line interface but I did not get it working. Therefore I tryed something else. I reflashed the firmware and configured the wifi to be able to access the web interface. I had to try it several times but I did get the adapter connected to the network and was able to open the web interface. Via the web interface I changed the config to use enhanced mode and usb. After that, the adapter started working fine. I assume I did something wrong configuring the adapter via the command line interface.

Solarer commented 6 months ago

Ah, ok. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I will try that as well. I also had issues applying the wifi settings via web interface - saving did not work a few times. Will post an update once I tested it

Solarer commented 6 months ago

Also managed to get it working somehow via USB. Thanks again! I will try to reproduce the steps before opening a new ticket