john30 / ebusd

daemon for communication with eBUS heating systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Vaillant ecoTec Plus 825 #191

Closed Dinth closed 6 years ago

Dinth commented 6 years ago

Hi. Im struggling with figuring out how to use ebusd together with my combi boiler, as most values which normally should be writable are read only (for example HeatingSwitch). Im using ebusd 3.2 and latest config (online). Access level is set to *.

Even the writable values cannot really be modified, as below:

localhost: r FlowsetHcMax

localhost: w -c bai FlowsetHcMax "65.00"

localhost: r -f FlowsetHcMax

Here's my boiler's code:

localhost: scan result

And output of ebusctl find -V:

localhost: f -V 
bai AccessoriesOne = =circulationpump [Funktion des Zubehörrelais 1] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:03, active read]
bai AccessoriesTwo = =extheatingpump [Funktion des Zubehörrelais 2] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:04, active read]
bai AntiCondensValue = =4 kW / % [Anhebung der minimalen Leistung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:05, active read]
bai averageIgnitiontime = =1.8 s [Mittlere Zündzeit] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:06, active read]
bai BlockTimeHcMax = minutes0=20 min [Max. Brennersperrzeit bei einem Vorlaufsollwert von 20°C] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:07, active read]
bai BoilerType = =2 [Boiler typ of the bmu] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:08, active read]
bai ChangesDSN = =0 [Anzahl der DSN (Gerätekennung) Änderungen] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:09, active read]
bai CirPump = onoff=off [Status Zirkulationspumpe (über ein externes Modul ansteuerbar)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:10, active read]
bai CodingResistor = =08 f7 00 [Therme Identifikation Widerstand] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:11, active read]
bai CounterStartattempts1 = temp0=4 °C [Anzahl der erfolglosen Zündversuche (im 1. Versuch)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:13, active read]
bai CounterStartattempts2 = temp0=4 °C [Anzahl der erfolglosen Zündversuche (im 2. Versuch)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:14, active read]
bai CounterStartAttempts3 = temp0=3 °C [Anzahl der erfolglosen Zündversuche (im 3. Versuch)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:15, active read]
bai CounterStartAttempts4 = temp0=4 °C [Anzahl der erfolglosen Zündversuche (im 4. Versuch)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:16, active read]
bai currenterror = error=- [Fehlernummer];error=- [Fehlernummer];error=- [Fehlernummer];error=- [Fehlernummer];error=- [Fehlernummer] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:01, active read]
bai DateTime = dcfstate=nosignal [DCF Empfängerstatus];btime=-:-:- [Uhrzeit];bdate=-.-.- [Datum];temp2=- °C [Temperatur] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:18, active read]
bai dcfState = dcfstate=nosignal [DCF Status] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:19, active read]
bai DCFTimeDate = =06:41:37 [DCF Time / date stamp struct { uchar sec; uchar min; uchar std; uchar tag; uchar mon; uchar wtg; uchar jah; } Tdcf77_time;];=24.02.2000 [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:20, active read]
bai DCRoomthermostat = onoff=on [Wärmeanforderung vom externen Regler (Klemme 3-4)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:21, active read]
bai DeactivationsIFC = =10 [Anzahl der Zündfehler (nicht erfolgreiche Züdung im letzten Versuch oder fehlerhaftes Flammensignal)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:22, active read]
bai DeactivationsTemplimiter = =0 [Anzahl der Abschaltungen durch den Sicherheitstemperaturbgrenzers] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:24, active read]
bai DeltaFlowReturnMax = temp=22.62 °C [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:25, active read]
bai DisplayMode = =2 [Display mode of the aplliance] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:26, active read]
bai DSN = =13006 [DSN: Device Specific number] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:27, active read]
bai DSNOffset = =6 [Gerätekennung (DSN)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:28, active read]
bai DSNStart = =13000 [DSN Startadresse] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:29, active read]
bai EbusSourceOn = onoff=on [Aktivierung der eBUS Speisung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:30, active read]
bai EbusVoltage = onoff=on [Rückmeldung der eBUS Spannung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:31, active read]
bai errorhistory = no data stored [ZZ=08, active read]
bai ExternalFaultmessage = onoff=off [Signal für die externe Störmeldeeinrichtung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:33, active read]
bai externalHwcSwitch = onoff=off [Speicheranforderung eines externen Speichers über den Speicherkontakt] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:35, active read]
bai ExternGasvalve = onoff=240 [Externes Magnetventil] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:36, active read]
bai ExtFlowTempDesiredMin = temp=40.00 °C [minimum out of Kl.7 and eBus flow setpoint] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:37, active read]
bai ExtStorageModulCon = yesno=no [Externes Speichermodul (VR65) angeschlosssen] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:38, active read]
bai extWP = onoff=on [Externe Heizungspumpe] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:39, active read]
bai FanHours = hoursum2=56 h [Betriebsstunden des Lüfters] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:40, active read]
bai FanMaxSpeedOperation = =6000 1/min [Lüfter Maximaldrehzahl] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:41, active read]
bai FanMinSpeedOperation = =750 1/min [Lüfter Minimaldrehzahl] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:42, active read]
bai FanPWMSum = =0 [Predictive Maintenance data for the fan damage recognition] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:43, active read]
bai FanPWMTest = =0 [Predictive Maintenance data for the fan damage recognition] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:45, active read]
bai FanSpeed = =0 1/min [Aktuelle Lüfterdrehzahl] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:46, active read]
bai FanSpeedOffsetMax = =-290 1/min [Offset max. Drehzahl] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:47, active read]
bai FanSpeedOffsetMin = =420 1/min [Offset min. Drehzahl] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:48, active read]
bai FanStarts = cntstarts2=0 [Anzahl der Lüfterschaltspiele] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:49, active read]
bai Flame = =off [Flammensignal] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:50, active read]
bai FlameSensingASIC = =579 [Ioni/ADC Wert vom Flammenwächter] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:51, active read]
bai FloorHeatingContact = onoff=off [Eingang Anlegethermostat] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:52, active read]
bai FlowsetHcMax = temp=75.00 °C [Einstellung des maximalen Vorlaufsollwert im Heizbetrieb (bei Linksanschlag des Poti)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:53, active read]
bai FlowTemp = temp=77.88 °C [Vorlauftemperatur];sensor=ok [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:00, active read]
bai FlowTempDesired = temp=70.00 °C [Vorlaufsolltemperatur oder Rücklaufsolltemperatur (wenn Rücklaufregelung aktiviert wurde). Der Maximalwert wird über d.71 und einem eBUS Regler begrenzt.] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:56, active read]
bai FlowTempMax = temp=87.44 °C [Maximaltemperatur gemessen am Vorlaufsensor] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:57, active read]
bai Fluegasvalve = onoff=off [Flüssiggas Magnetventil] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:58, active read]
bai FluegasvalveOpen = onoff=on [Rückmeldung Flüssiggasventil] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:30:59, active read]
bai Gasvalve3UC = =off [Gasventil Schaltsignal (vom Prozessor)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:00, active read]
bai GasvalveASICFeedback = =off [Rückmeldung Gasventil vom ASIC] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:01, active read]
bai GasvalveUC = =off [Schaltsignal für das Gasventil] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:02, active read]
bai GasvalveUCFeedback = =off [Rückmeldung Gasventil vom Prozessor] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:03, active read]
bai HcHours = hoursum2=43 h [Betriebsstunden im Heizbetrieb] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:04, active read]
bai HcPumpMode = =3 [Pumpenbetriebsart für den Heizbetrieb] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:05, active read]
bai HcPumpStarts = cntstarts2=5543 [Schaltspiele Pumpe] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:07, active read]
bai HcStarts = =0 [Schaltspiele Heizbetrieb] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:08, active read]
bai HcUnderHundredStarts = =10 [Heat switch cycles under hundred] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:09, active read]
bai HeatingSwitch = onoff=on [Wintermodus aktiv (Heizbetrieb und Warmwasser)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:10, active read]
bai HoursTillService = hoursum2=- h [Wartungsintervall:Anzahl der Stunden bis zur nächsten Wartung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:11, active read]
bai HwcDemand = yesno=no [Brauchwasseranforderung (Zapfung oder Schaltsignal vom Speicher)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:12, active read]
bai HwcHours = hoursum2=2 h [Betriebsstunden Brauchwasser] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:13, active read]
bai HwcImpellorSwitch = yesno=no [WW Zapfung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:14, active read]
bai HwcStarts = =300 [Schaltspiele WW Betrieb] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:15, active read]
bai HwcSwitch = onoff=on [WW aus/ein] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:17, active read]
bai HwcTemp = temp=53.62 °C [Vorlauftemperatur bei Warmwasserzapfung (nur bei Kombi-Heizgeräten)];sensor=ok [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:00, active read]
bai HwcTempMax = temp=56.00 °C [Max. Speichersollwert. Begrenzt den max. Einstellbereich des Potentiometers (Rechtsanschlag).] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:19, active read]
bai HwcTypes = =80 [DHW type of the appliance] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:20, active read]
bai HwcUnderHundredStarts = =8 [DHW switch cycles under hundred] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:21, active read]
bai HwcWaterflowMax = uin100=10.98 [Maximalwert des Warmwassersensors] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:22, active read]
bai Ignitor = =off [Zündung aktiviert] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:23, active read]
bai InitialisationEEPROM = yesno=no [EEPROM Initialisierung (für die Produktion)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:24, active read]
bai IonisationVoltageLevel = =95.3 [Ionisationsspannung: größer 80 = keine Flammekleiner 40 = gutes Flammensignal] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:25, active read]
bai maintenancedata_HwcTempMax = temp=76.25 °C [Maximaltemperatur gemessen am Brauchwasserauslaufsensor] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:26, active read]
bai maxIgnitiontime = =2.4 s [Maximale Zündzeit] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:28, active read]
bai minIgnitiontime = =0.2 s [Minimale Zündzeit] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:29, active read]
bai ModulationTempDesired = =17.0 % [Modulationssollwert] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:30, active read]
bai OptionalRelais = =extheatingpump [Option relais function] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:31, active read]
bai OutdoorstempSensor = temp=-60.44 °C [Außentemperaturwert (ohne Korrekturwert) und Sensorstatus];sensor=cutoff [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:32, active read]
bai OverflowCounter = yesno=no [Predictive Maintenance counter have got an overflow] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:33, active read]
bai ParamToken = =3 [token for parameter managment] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:34, active read]
bai PartloadHcKW = power=19 kW [Heizungsteillast] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:01, active read]
bai PartnumberBox = =00 20 10 57 24 [part number of the eBox] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:36, active read]
bai PositionValveSet = =0 [Position des 3-Wege Ventil: 100=Warmwasser 0=Heizbetrieb 40=Mittenstellung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:01, active read]
bai PowerValue = =11 04 4c 13 64 19 [Geräteleistung (min und max)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:38, active read]
bai PrAPSCounter = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:40, active read]
bai PrAPSSum = seconds2=0 s [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:41, active read]
bai PrEnergyCountHc1 = =229129 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:42, active read]
bai PrEnergyCountHc2 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:43, active read]
bai PrEnergyCountHc3 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:44, active read]
bai PrEnergyCountHwc1 = =90231 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:45, active read]
bai PrEnergyCountHwc2 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:46, active read]
bai PrEnergyCountHwc3 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:47, active read]
bai PrEnergySumHc1 = =35489086 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:49, active read]
bai PrEnergySumHc2 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:50, active read]
bai PrEnergySumHc3 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:51, active read]
bai PrEnergySumHwc1 = =31573738 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:52, active read]
bai PrEnergySumHwc2 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:53, active read]
bai PrEnergySumHwc3 = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:54, active read]
bai PrimaryCircuitFlowrate = uin100=0.00 l/min [value of flowrate] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:55, active read]
bai ProductionByte = =4 [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:56, active read]
bai PrVortexFlowSensorValue = =0 ADC [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:57, active read]
bai PumpHours = hoursum2=252 h [Pumpenbetriebsstunden] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:31:59, active read]
bai PumpHwcFlowNumber = =0 [number of times DHW flow rate was detected] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:00, active read]
bai PumpHwcFlowSum = =0 [summed up DHW flow rate] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:01, active read]
bai PumpPower = =15 [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:02, active read]
bai PumpPowerDesired = =auto % [PWM-Leistungsstufe der Heizungspumpe] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:03, active read]
bai RemainingBoilerblocktime = minutes0=0 min [Verbleibende Brennersperrzeit] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:04, active read]
bai ReturnRegulation = onoff=off [Aktivierung der Rücklaufregelung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:05, active read]
bai ReturnTemp = temp=78.44 °C [Rücklauftemperatur];tempmirror=64280;sensor=ok [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:00, active read]
bai ReturnTempExternal = temp=-1.81 °C [Externer Rücklauftemperatursensor];sensor=cutoff [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:07, active read]
bai ReturnTempMax = temp=87.25 °C [Max. Rücklauftemperatur] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:09, active read]
bai SerialNumber = =37 30 38 31 32 36 31 35 [Seriennummer AI] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:10, active read]
bai SetFactoryValues = yesno=no [Werkseinstellungen] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:11, active read]
bai SetMode = no data stored [ZZ=08, passive write]
bai SHEMaxDeltaHwcFlow = temp=18.50 °C [maximum difference between flow and DHW outlet temperature] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:13, active read]
bai SHEMaxFlowTemp = temp=74.12 °C [Max. Vorlauftemperatur für WW] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:14, active read]
bai Statenumber = =0 [status number] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:15, active read]
bai Status01 = temp1=78.5 °C [Temperatur];temp1=79.0 °C [Temperatur];temp2=- °C [Temperatur];temp1=53.0 °C [Temperatur];temp1=59.5 °C [Temperatur];pumpstate=off [Pumpenstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:17, active read]
bai Status02 = hwcmode=auto [Warmwasser Modus];temp0=60 °C [Temperatur];temp1=75.0 °C [Temperatur];temp0=70 °C [Temperatur];temp1=56.0 °C [Temperatur] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:18, active read]
bai Status16 =  (ERR: invalid position for 3108b5040116 / 00) [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:20, active read]
bai Status =  (ERR: invalid position for 3108b5110103 / 00) [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:16, active read]
bai StorageDelay = minutes0=0 min [Verzögerung der Speicherladung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:21, active read]
bai StorageExitTemp = temp=116.06 °C [Speicherauslauftemperatur Istwert];sensor=circuit [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:22, active read]
bai Storageloadpump = percent0=0 % [Ladepumpenanforderung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:23, active read]
bai StorageLoadPumpHours = hoursum2=12 h [Preditive maintenance data] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:24, active read]
bai StorageloadPumpStarts = cntstarts2=2612 [Preditive maintenance data] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:25, active read]
bai StorageLoadTimeMax = minutes0=35 min [Max. Speicherladezeit für Speicher ohne eigene Regelung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:26, active read]
bai StorageTemp = temp=59.50 °C [Aktuelle Temperatur des Warmstartspeichers (bei Kombigeräten) oder aktuelle Speichertemperatur bei (VC Geräten)];sensor=ok [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:27, active read]
bai StorageTempDesired = temp=55.00 °C [VCW: Solltemperatur des WarmstartspeichersVC: Solltemperatur des externen Speichers] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:28, active read]
bai StorageTempMax = temp=68.50 °C [Maximaltemperatur gemessen am Speichersensor] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:30, active read]
bai TargetFanSpeed = =0 1/min [Drehzahlsollwert des Lüfters] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:31, active read]
bai TargetFanSpeedOutput = =0 1/min [Lüfterdrehzahl] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:32, active read]
bai TempDiffBlock = temp0=0 °C [Number of modulationblocking of the boilers cause of to high/incorrect difference of flow/return temperatures] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:33, active read]
bai TempDiffFailure = temp0=0 °C [Anzahl der Abschaltungen wegen zu hoher / fehlerhafter Differenz von Vor- und Rücklauftemperatur] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:34, active read]
bai TempGradientFailure = temp0=0 °C [Anzahl der Boilerabschaltung wegen zu hohem Gradient (S.54)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:35, active read]
bai Templimiter = =off [Rückmeldung des Temperaturbegrenzer Signals] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:36, active read]
bai TemplimiterWithNTC = =yes [Temperaturbegrenzer Art:1 = NTC0 = Schaltkontakt] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:37, active read]
bai TempMaxDiffExtTFT = temp=0.00 °C [Predictive maintenance data] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:38, active read]
bai Testbyte = =3 [Testbyte (relevant for the Tester)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:40, active read]
bai TimerInputHc = onoff=on [timer input (block heatdemand)] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:41, active read]
bai ValveStarts = cntstarts2=2656 [Anzahl der 3WV Umschaltungen] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:42, active read]
bai VolatileLockout = =no [WAHR: STB Fehler sind verriegelnd] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:43, active read]
bai VolatileLockoutIFCGV = =no [Alle IFC Fehler sind nichtflüchtig] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:44, active read]
bai WarmstartDemand = yesno=yes [Warmstartaktivierung] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:45, active read]
bai WaterHcFlowMax = =0 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:46, active read]
bai WaterPressure = press=1.922 bar [Wasserdruck];sensor=ok [Fühlerstatus] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:34:00, active read]
bai WaterpressureBranchControlOff = onoff=off [Überwachung der Druckänderung beim Schalten der Pumpe kann hiermit aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:48, active read]
bai WaterpressureMeasureCounter = =13 [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:49, active read]
bai WaterpressureVariantSum = pressm2=7979 mbar [Wartungsdaten] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:51, active read]
bai WP = onoff=on [Interne Heizungspumpe] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:52, active read]
bai WPPostrunTime = minutes0=5 min [Wasserpumpennachlaufzeit nach Heizbetrieb] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:53, active read]
bai WPSecondStage = onoff=off [Second stage of the pump activated] [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:32:54, active read]
broadcast datetime = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast error = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast hwcStatus = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast id = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast id = no data stored [ZZ=any, active read]
broadcast load = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast outsidetemp = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast signoflife = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
broadcast vdatetime = no data stored [ZZ=fe, passive read]
general valuerange = no data stored [ZZ=any, active read]
memory eeprom = no data stored [ZZ=any, active read]
memory ram = no data stored [ZZ=any, active read]
scan id = no data stored [ZZ=any, active read]
scan.08  = MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0204;HW=9602 [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:13:20, active read]
scan.08 id = prefix=21;year=17;week=17;product=0010018353;supplier=1300;counter=257134;suffix=N7 [ZZ=08, lastup=2018-05-21 21:33:07, active read]
semenoh commented 6 years ago

Same on my turboTEC plus VU 202

john30 commented 6 years ago

did you already check the writable messages with "find -w"? anyway, this is not an ebusd issue but rather ebusd-configuration.

Dinth commented 6 years ago

Hi John30. Indeed, it may be a configuration problem, but i believe there are two issues here:

  1. I cannot write to a variable which is writable (FlowsetHcMax)
  2. Variables which should be writable, are not (HeatingSwitch)

Here's the output of find -w. Actually i found a really weird thing here. If i do "find -w" im getting "no data stored" on all variables, but if i just do "find" ebusctl shows the data stored in a variable.

localhost: find -w
bai AccessoriesOne = no data stored
bai AccessoriesTwo = no data stored
bai AntiCondensValue = no data stored
bai BlockTimeHcMax = no data stored
bai clearerrorhistory = no data stored
bai DSNOffset = no data stored
bai FanSpeedOffsetMax = no data stored
bai FanSpeedOffsetMin = no data stored
bai FlowsetHcMax = no data stored
bai HcPumpMode = no data stored
bai HoursTillService = no data stored
bai HwcTempMax = no data stored
bai OptionalRelais = no data stored
bai PartloadHcKW = no data stored
bai PumpPowerDesired = no data stored
bai ReturnRegulation = no data stored
bai SetFactoryValues = no data stored
bai StorageLoadTimeMax = no data stored
bai WPPostrunTime = no data stored
broadcast id = no data stored
broadcast queryexistence = no data stored
memory eeprom = no data stored
memory ram = no data stored
localhost: find 
bai AccessoriesOne = circulationpump
bai AccessoriesTwo = extheatingpump
john30 commented 6 years ago

I cannot write to a variable which is writable (FlowsetHcMax)

it seems your bai just ignores the write. can't do anything about that I'm afraid. Do you have a controller as well? Then you could try setting the parameter there and watch the bus for corresponding messages in order to correct/adjust the message definition.

Variables which should be writable, are not (HeatingSwitch)

the bai definitions were extracted from a manufacturer DB and that's how it is defined there. Since I don't own all of the devices I can't validate them, so if you're sure the message is writeable, then please issue a corresponding pull request on ebusd-configuration.

Dinth commented 6 years ago

it seems your bai just ignores the write. can't do anything about that I'm afraid. Do you have a controller as well?

Unfortunately i dont, ive been hoping that i will be able to control the boiler usingjust an RPi and ebus. Im not a gas enginner, is it just a matter of getting a VCR700 for debugging or i would also need to install a wireless receiver in the boiler?

Since I don't own all of the devices I can't validate them, so if you're sure the message is writeable, then please issue a corresponding pull request on ebusd-configuration.

Fully understand. Is there a way i could confirm if the value is writable before issuing a pull request, or help in any other way to make ebusd better if im not a coder ?

john30 commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately i dont, ive been hoping that i will be able to control the boiler usingjust an RPi and ebus. Im not a gas enginner, is it just a matter of getting a VCR700 for debugging or i would also need to install a wireless receiver in the boiler?

it is for finding out what messages the boiler is willing to answer to. anyway, before spending money, you should probably have a look at the "standard" messages that are understood by most of the heating devices, see here for heating and here for hot water unit

Is there a way i could confirm if the value is writable before issuing a pull request, or help in any other way to make ebusd better if im not a coder ?

well just set it to writable, write the value and check that the desired effect becomes real.

Dinth commented 6 years ago

I created pull request #101 at ebusd-configuration repository which makes HeatingSwitch and HwcSwitch writable. Also i translated the file into english. When i will have some spare time i will also try to check other variables if they can be made r/w

john30 commented 6 years ago

closed in favour of