I have it running and can receive some status data. Polling specific data will not work.
My data LED from the UTP interface (e-service online) is polling really quickly. Is this OK?
pi@raspimqtt:~ $ tail -f /var/log/ebusd.log
2019-01-23 23:18:55.558 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:18:56.736 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:18:56.736 [bus error] send message part 0: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:07.030 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: arbitration lost, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:07.435 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:10.367 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:11.126 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:11.126 [bus error] send message part 0: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:16.166 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:22.349 [update notice] received update-write bai SetMode QQ=10: auto;39.5;-;-;0;0;1;0;0;0
2019-01-23 23:19:26.834 [update notice] received update-write bai SetMode QQ=10: auto;39.5;-;-;0;0;1;0;0;0
2019-01-23 23:19:28.422 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:36.666 [update notice] received scan-read scan.15 QQ=03: Vaillant;70000;0110;2103
2019-01-23 23:19:36.727 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:39.110 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:40.417 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:43.093 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:43.093 [bus error] send message part 0: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:43.093 [mqtt error] read bai WaterPressure: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:19:49.753 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: arbitration lost
2019-01-23 23:19:51.423 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: arbitration lost, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:55.185 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:19:59.593 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: SYN received, retry
2019-01-23 23:20:00.400 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:00.400 [bus error] send message part 0: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:00.400 [mqtt error] read bai PumpHours: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:03.552 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:20:15.160 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:20:15.900 [main error] scan config 15: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:16.601 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
2019-01-23 23:20:17.357 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:17.357 [bus error] send message part 0: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:17.357 [mqtt error] read bai HwcTemp: ERR: wrong symbol received
2019-01-23 23:20:17.358 [mqtt error] read message 700 HwcFlowTemp not found
2019-01-23 23:20:18.042 [bus error] send to 08: ERR: wrong symbol received, retry
pi@raspimqtt:~ $ ebusctl info
version: ebusd 3.3.v3.3
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 14
max symbol rate: 117
min arbitration micros: 19
max arbitration micros: 79
min symbol latency: 9
max symbol latency: 9
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 211
conditional: 3
poll: 0
update: 9
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0608;HW=5502", loaded "vaillant/bai.308523.inc", "vaillant/08.bai.csv"
address 10: master #2
address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=70000;SW=0110;HW=2103"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd
pi@raspimqtt:~ $ ebusctl find -r
bai AccessoriesOne = no data stored
bai AccessoriesTwo = no data stored
bai ACRoomthermostat = no data stored
bai averageIgnitiontime = no data stored
bai BlockTimeHcMax = no data stored
bai BoilerType = no data stored
bai ChangesDSN = no data stored
bai CirPump = no data stored
bai CounterStartattempts1 = no data stored
bai CounterStartattempts2 = no data stored
bai CounterStartAttempts3 = no data stored
bai CounterStartAttempts4 = no data stored
bai currenterror = no data stored
bai DateTime = sync;-:-:-;-.-.-;-0.188
bai dcfState = no data stored
bai DCFTimeDate = no data stored
bai DCRoomthermostat = no data stored
bai DeactivationsIFC = no data stored
bai DeactivationsTemplimiter = no data stored
bai DeltaFlowReturnMax = no data stored
bai DisplayMode = no data stored
bai DSN = no data stored
bai DSNOffset = no data stored
bai DSNStart = no data stored
bai EBusHeatcontrol = no data stored
bai EbusSourceOn = no data stored
bai EbusVoltage = no data stored
bai errorhistory = no data stored
bai expertlevel_ReturnTemp = no data stored
bai ExternalFaultmessage = no data stored
bai externalFlowTempDesired = no data stored
bai externalHwcSwitch = no data stored
bai ExternGasvalve = no data stored
bai ExtFlowTempDesiredMin = no data stored
bai ExtStorageModulCon = no data stored
bai extWP = no data stored
bai FanHours = no data stored
bai FanMaxSpeedOperation = no data stored
bai FanMinSpeedOperation = no data stored
bai FanPWMSum = no data stored
bai FanPWMTest = no data stored
bai FanSpeed = no data stored
bai FanSpeedOffsetMax = no data stored
bai FanSpeedOffsetMin = no data stored
bai FanStarts = no data stored
bai Flame = no data stored
bai FlameSensingASIC = no data stored
bai FloorHeatingContact = no data stored
bai FlowsetHcMax = no data stored
bai FlowsetHwcMax = no data stored
bai FlowSetPotmeter = no data stored
bai FlowTemp = no data stored
bai FlowTempDesired = no data stored
bai FlowTempMax = no data stored
bai Fluegasvalve = no data stored
bai FluegasvalveOpen = no data stored
bai Gasvalve3UC = no data stored
bai Gasvalve = no data stored
bai GasvalveASICFeedback = no data stored
bai GasvalveUC = no data stored
bai GasvalveUCFeedback = no data stored
bai HcHours = no data stored
bai HcPumpMode = no data stored
bai HcPumpStarts = no data stored
bai HcStarts = no data stored
bai HcUnderHundredStarts = no data stored
bai HeatingSwitch = no data stored
bai HoursTillService = no data stored
bai HwcDemand = no data stored
bai HwcHours = no data stored
bai HwcImpellorSwitch = no data stored
bai HwcPostrunTime = no data stored
bai HwcSetPotmeter = no data stored
bai HwcStarts = no data stored
bai HwcSwitch = no data stored
bai HwcTemp = no data stored
bai HwcTempDesired = no data stored
bai HwcTempMax = no data stored
bai HwcTypes = no data stored
bai HwcUnderHundredStarts = no data stored
bai HwcWaterflow = no data stored
bai HwcWaterflowMax = no data stored
bai Ignitor = no data stored
bai InitialisationEEPROM = no data stored
bai IonisationVoltageLevel = no data stored
bai maintenancedata_HwcTempMax = no data stored
bai maxIgnitiontime = no data stored
bai minIgnitiontime = no data stored
bai ModulationTempDesired = no data stored
bai OutdoorstempSensor = no data stored
bai OverflowCounter = no data stored
bai ParamToken = no data stored
bai PartloadHcKW = no data stored
bai PartloadHwcKW = no data stored
bai PartnumberBox = no data stored
bai PositionValveSet = no data stored
bai PowerValue = no data stored
bai PrAPSCounter = no data stored
bai PrAPSSum = no data stored
bai PrEnergyCountHc1 = no data stored
bai PrEnergyCountHc2 = no data stored
bai PrEnergyCountHc3 = no data stored
bai PrEnergyCountHwc1 = no data stored
bai PrEnergyCountHwc2 = no data stored
bai PrEnergyCountHwc3 = no data stored
bai PrEnergySumHc1 = no data stored
bai PrEnergySumHc2 = no data stored
bai PrEnergySumHc3 = no data stored
bai PrEnergySumHwc1 = no data stored
bai PrEnergySumHwc2 = no data stored
bai PrEnergySumHwc3 = no data stored
bai ProductionByte = no data stored
bai PrVortexFlowSensorValue = no data stored
bai PumpHours = no data stored
bai PumpHwcFlowNumber = no data stored
bai PumpHwcFlowSum = no data stored
bai RemainingBoilerblocktime = no data stored
bai ReturnRegulation = no data stored
bai ReturnTemp = no data stored
bai ReturnTempMax = no data stored
bai SecondPumpMode = no data stored
bai SerialNumber = no data stored
bai SetFactoryValues = no data stored
bai SHEMaxDeltaHwcFlow = no data stored
bai SHEMaxFlowTemp = no data stored
bai SolPostHeat = no data stored
bai Statenumber = no data stored
bai Status01 = 39.5;33.0;-0.188;30.0;33.0;on
bai Status02 = on;60;52.0;70;62.0
bai Status16 = no data stored
bai Status = no data stored
bai Storageloadpump = no data stored
bai StorageLoadPumpHours = no data stored
bai StorageloadPumpStarts = no data stored
bai StorageLoadTimeMax = no data stored
bai StoragereleaseClock = no data stored
bai StorageTemp = no data stored
bai StorageTempDesired = no data stored
bai StorageTempMax = no data stored
bai TargetFanSpeed = no data stored
bai TargetFanSpeedOutput = no data stored
bai TempDiffBlock = no data stored
bai TempDiffFailure = no data stored
bai TempGradientFailure = no data stored
bai Templimiter = no data stored
bai TemplimiterWithNTC = no data stored
bai TempMaxDiffExtTFT = no data stored
bai Testbyte = no data stored
bai TimerInputHc = no data stored
bai ValveMode = no data stored
bai ValveStarts = no data stored
bai VolatileLockout = no data stored
bai VolatileLockoutIFCGV = no data stored
bai VortexFlowSensor = no data stored
bai WarmstartDemand = no data stored
bai WarmstartOffset = no data stored
bai WaterHcFlowMax = no data stored
bai WaterPressure = no data stored
bai WaterpressureBranchControlOff = no data stored
bai WaterpressureMeasureCounter = no data stored
bai WaterpressureVariantSum = no data stored
bai WP = no data stored
bai WPPostrunTime = no data stored
bai WPSecondStage = no data stored
broadcast id = no data stored
general valuerange = no data stored
memory eeprom = no data stored
memory ram = no data stored
scan id = no data stored
scan.08 = Vaillant;BAI00;0608;5502
scan.08 id = no data stored
scan.15 = Vaillant;70000;0110;2103
I have it running and can receive some status data. Polling specific data will not work. My data LED from the UTP interface (e-service online) is polling really quickly. Is this OK?
My connection string: EBUSD_OPTS="-d --latency=50000 -p 8888 -l /var/log/ebusd.log --scanconfig --mqtthost= --mqttport=1883 --mqttjson --mqtttopic=ebusd"
Some log files/command logs:
pi@raspimqtt:~ $ ebusctl info version: ebusd 3.3.v3.3 signal: acquired symbol rate: 14 max symbol rate: 117 min arbitration micros: 19 max arbitration micros: 79 min symbol latency: 9 max symbol latency: 9 reconnects: 0 masters: 3 messages: 211 conditional: 3 poll: 0 update: 9 address 03: master #11 address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0608;HW=5502", loaded "vaillant/bai.308523.inc", "vaillant/08.bai.csv" address 10: master #2 address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=70000;SW=0110;HW=2103" address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd