john990 / sipdroid

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Undesirable dependence #45

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
I installed both the market version 0.9.4 and the lastest Google Code
version 0.9.5-full. In neither case was I able to make it register to any
of these: FreePBX on the local LAN; aka; This
is however not a serious problem as the softwaerw is still being developed
and I'm sure bugs will be found and fixed.

THE REAL PROBLEM I am reporting here is that this program is apparently
dependent, by design, on The documentation suggests this in
several places.

This dependence on a specific website is not good for a two reasons.

First, if the software depends on, then the developers will have
a lesser incentive to make it use standard SIP. Nonstandard behavior will
creep in and will remain undetected and become permanently embedded into
the design of the software.

Second, itself has some problems. It uses some sort of
nonstandard Adobe Flash code that always yields a strange error "Error
loading configuration file variables.txt?aldope=73939". Please don't make
your software dependent on a non-functioning web site.

Original issue reported on by on 8 Jun 2009 at 9:14

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Several issues have been filed and work has already begun to make Sipdroid more 
interoperable. Discuss them there.

If you just want to talk about it, please address in the user group.

To get started one of the FAQs also deals with this subject.

Original comment by on 8 Jun 2009 at 9:18

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
It's any software developer's perogative to accept or reject problem reports.

However, marking this issue as invalid (rather than duplicate) in combination 
the comment "if you just want to talk about it" is slightly offensive, as it 
that this issue submission was intended to just waste time.

Original comment by on 9 Jun 2009 at 8:47

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Reason why this was marked invalid (in contrast to duplicate) was that you did 
report a technical issue detailing what error you observed and how to reproduce 

The only part that qualifies as an issue is the last part. But this does not 
to Sipdroid directly.

Original comment by on 9 Jun 2009 at 2:18