[x] Adds followedHashtags and blockedHashtags to User schema as arrays of varchar(128)
[x] Edits all timeline queries to automatically conceal posts tagged with any blocked hashtags
[x] Edits personal timeline queries (home, social) to also match posts tagged with any followed hashtags
API stuff (goblin)
[x] Implement hashtags/follow
[x] Implement hashtags/unfollow
[x] Implement hashtags/block
[x] Implement hashtags/unblock
API stuff (Mastodon)
[ ] Implement /api/v1/tags/:id/follow
[ ] Implement /api/v1/tags/:id/unfollow
[ ] Implement /api/v1/tags/:id/block
[ ] Implement /api/v1/tags/:id/unblock
The block and unblock endpoints will be non-standard extensions; the Mastodon API has no concept of followed/blocked hashtags, it only uses text filtering for strings.
Frontend stuff - following (nothing done yet)
[x] Create MkFollowHashtagButton component
[x] Add button to top of page when you search on a tag
[ ] Add list of currently followed hashtags to profile
Frontend stuff - blocking (nothing done yet)
[ ] Create MkBlockHashtagButton component(?)
[ ] Add Blocked Hashtags to Mutes and Blocks settings pane
Database stuff (done)
to User schema as arrays ofvarchar(128)
API stuff (goblin)
API stuff (Mastodon)
The block and unblock endpoints will be non-standard extensions; the Mastodon API has no concept of followed/blocked hashtags, it only uses text filtering for strings.
Frontend stuff - following (nothing done yet)
componentFrontend stuff - blocking (nothing done yet)