johnagan / clean-webpack-plugin

A webpack plugin to remove your build folder(s) before building
MIT License
1.96k stars 137 forks source link

Patterns not working #128

Closed jaschaio closed 5 years ago

jaschaio commented 5 years ago

Issue description

The patterns have no effect for me. I tried with different ones taking in mind this overview, but it still deletes files it shouldn't delete.

From my understanding this should only delete css and js files starting with bundle or app:

cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [ 

But the output I get is:

clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/app.f4d092e0.min.js
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/bundle.21.42b6a945.min.js
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/nprogress.aa99ef98.min.js
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/content/default/content.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/content/default/content.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/content/document/content.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/content/document/content.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/content/writer/content.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/content/writer/content.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide-dark/content.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide-dark/content.inline.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide-dark/content.inline.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide-dark/content.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide-dark/skin.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide-dark/skin.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/content.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/content.inline.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/content.inline.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/content.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/fonts/tinymce-mobile.woff
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/skin.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/skin.min.css
clean-webpack-plugin: removed ../public/js/skins/ui/oxide/

I tried explicit excluding the js/skins/ folder via:

cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [ 

But it still removes files from within the skins folder.

It almost seems like its not taking effect at all (even tho its only deleting .js and .css files and leaves other files untouched).

Webpack Config

const path = require( 'path' );

const webpack = require( 'webpack' );

const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require( 'mini-css-extract-plugin' );

const OptimizeCSSAssetsPlugin = require( 'optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin' );

const CleanWebpackPlugin = require( 'clean-webpack-plugin' );

const copyWebpackPlugin = require( 'copy-webpack-plugin' );

module.exports = ( env ) => ( {
        entry: {
            app: './app.js',
        output: {
            path: path.join( __dirname, '..', 'public' ),
            filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].min.js',
            chunkFilename: 'js/bundle.[id].[contenthash:8].min.js',
            publicPath: '/'
        target: 'web',
        module: {
            rules: [
                    test: /\.js$/,
                    exclude: /node_modules/,
                    loader: 'babel-loader',
                    options: {
                        plugins: [
                    test: /\.s?css$/,
                    exclude: /node_modules/,
                    use: [
                            loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
                            options: {
                                url: false
                            loader: 'css-loader',
                            options: {
                                url: false

                            loader: 'sass-loader',
                            options: {
                                url: false
        plugins: [
            new MiniCssExtractPlugin( {
                filename: ( env.NODE_ENV === 'prod' ) ? 'css/[name].min.css' : 'css/[name].min.css'
            } ),
            // Copy tinymce files
            new copyWebpackPlugin([
                { from: './node_modules/tinymce/skins', to: './js/skins' }
            ] ),
            // Clean build directory
            new CleanWebpackPlugin(
                    verbose: true,
                    cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: [],
                    cleanAfterEveryBuildPatterns: [
    } )


    OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.4
    CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5287U CPU @ 2.90GHz
    Memory: 51.84 MB / 8.00 GB
    Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
    Node: 8.11.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.1/bin/node
    npm: 6.9.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.1/bin/npm
    Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman
    clean-webpack-plugin: ^2.0.1 => 2.0.1 
    webpack: ^4.29.6 => 4.29.6 
chrisblossom commented 5 years ago

Can you provide a minimal reproducible repository?

Nelathan commented 5 years ago

I had the same problem and fixed it temporarily by excluding the folder AND the underlying files: ['!js/skins', '!js/skins/*/'] also i removed the preceding "/"

chrisblossom commented 5 years ago

I think issue you are having is pattern matching being relative to webpack's output.path as described in the documentation.

@Schlammsuhler's solution is correct, although I'm not sure about needing to also include '!js/skins'.

I'm going to close this. Please reopen if you are still having an issue.

Nelathan commented 5 years ago

I still think that if the folder js/skins is ignored, all underlying files should be automatically ignored too like in gitignore. Which is not the case. Please look into this

chrisblossom commented 5 years ago

@Schlammsuhler This package uses del, which uses globby for pattern matching.

I think you're wanting globby's expandDirectories option to work on !negative patterns, which it doesn't seem to currently. It would be helpful if you could open an issue there. Keep in mind that del uses version 6 of globby.

nakedtoast commented 4 years ago

+1 for files should be automatically ignored too like in gitignore.