johnagl / shortlist

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Scrum 3 #13

Open lbisceglia opened 5 years ago

lbisceglia commented 5 years ago

The last two weeks, I worked on implementing Redux properly, as well as implementing the layout, styling, and functionality of the job cards. A challenge I faced was figuring out how to structure our initState data in a way that would be best suited for use with MongoDB. I also had to overcome issues with default formatting on Reactstrap, which I finally figured out. This week, I am responsible for continuing on the job cards: adding an edit menu to job cards when clicked, colouring by status, updating the UI to a less 1985 ski jacket/Baskin Robbins palette, and integrating company logos on job cards via the external Clearbit API.

johnagl commented 5 years ago

For the last 2 weeks I worked on adding redux into our application (actions, reducers), creating additional components such as a layout component that lays out job cards in a grid format and implementing some of our web application functionality such as adding a job to the user dashboard.

One of the challenges I faced this week was reimplementing functionality that was initially working, but stopped after merging my code with my group members’ code.

In the next 2 weeks I will be working towards creating another dashboard view for users (full job card view) as well as adding redux thunk to our applications for async functions.

aliyamohamed13 commented 5 years ago

These past two weeks I worked on learning more about redux and learning how to use ReactStrap so that I could add a navbar for the application and move foward with using Reactstrap throughout the remaining parts of your app creation. The next two weeks my tasks to complete are to work on getting the job cards displaying proper information and edit on click, and have colour set by status. Also want to look into having the cards sort by their deadline that they're due. I'm also going to work on adding meteor requirements Danya mentioned in a previous lab, login page and meteor synchronization as well as adding on the mongodb aspect and having our data persist when adding. A challenge these past two weeks was figuring out how to best structure data so that as we move forward with using mongoDB our store makes sense.