johnbuluba / Yatcobot

Yatcobot (Yet another twitter contest bot) is the most advanced and configurable bot for twitter contests and giveaways
GNU General Public License v2.0
63 stars 5 forks source link

New feature ideas ! Add here ! #21

Open johnbuluba opened 6 years ago

johnbuluba commented 6 years ago

Hello As you know this is the best twiter bot by far on github! But i want to make it even better! Add here ideas for features that you want to be added

My ideas are:

This is an already over engineered project and i want it to be even more :P , so I would like to hear your ideas (no matter how crazy they are).

Thanks !

elliotrg93 commented 6 years ago

Amazing project and one of the reasons I decided to start learning python!

One of the things I'd find useful is a keyword filter for tweets to skip. This would let you choose to skip competitions you wouldn't normally enter (e.g. to win make-up) and also helps to avoid false positives when it flags up sports teams or political candidates that "win" or beat the "competition".

johnbuluba commented 6 years ago

@elliotrg93 Thanks a lot ! As i said above, i already have in mind adding some filters including keywords based, so stay tuned !

PhilippTh commented 6 years ago

Really great project, love it so far.

While using it and browsing through the files i got some ideas:

  1. notification if you receive private messages (since I´m using a throw-away e-mail address I need to check the account every so often)
  2. support for multiple accounts
  3. add a blacklist for these bot-traps like

If i have some time off in summer I might want to contribute. Tell me what you think about the ideas.

johnbuluba commented 6 years ago

Hi @PhilippTh thanks a lot for your support and your ideas

About your suggestions:

  1. This could be useful. I will try to implement that in the next few days
  2. Multiple accounts would be tricky. For now multiple instances of the bot are ok for me in the future it could be done.
  3. Now the bot doesnt retweet posts from users that you blocked in twitter. But a blacklist (or whitelist) filter could be implemented. I will work on this too !

Thanks again, and feel free to contribute any code !

johnbuluba commented 6 years ago

Blacklist based on keywords and users added ! Please check it out and report any problems Thanks

Foncekar commented 6 years ago

Add a function for retweet by chance and add a function for tweet an RSS feed for having a account more classical

johnbuluba commented 6 years ago

@Foncekar Thanks a lot for your input! I didnt quite get what you mean, the first thing is to retweet a random tweet (for example a popular one?). The second idea with the rss i didnt understand at all :P

Foncekar commented 6 years ago

For the first thing, yes thats it, maybe retweet some trending tweet with an option for language (en, fr)

For the second it's something like that : You provide some RSS feed and the bot tweet one random with an interval.

(I don't know if i'm clear, i'm fench ^^)

johnbuluba commented 6 years ago

Ok i got it now! Do you have any interesting rss feeds to use as a sample ?

Foncekar commented 6 years ago

I think this one :

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

I would like to be able to read the retweet queue. Just for the verbose-addicted users here. The --l FILENAME is rather simple a output log. Maybe more verbose details would be cool too.

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

As some giveaways require the user to follow a link and enter personal details or just clicking a button on that link, it would be usefull to have a filter that recognizes if a link is provided that you have to go to and skip this tweet. Or do I just need to be more specific with my search queries? i.e. not so query for "contest" "enter to win"?

johnbuluba commented 5 years ago

Hello @Ianmcmill thanks for your suggention

For the first i dont see an easy way to integrate this right now. The best way in my opinion would be a webui with various info including the queue

For the second you could either make you search queries more specific or use the blacklist filter. See the example config and the docs for more info

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

Hello @Ianmcmill thanks for your suggention

For the first i dont see an easy way to integrate this right now. The best way in my opinion would be a webui with various info including the queue

For the second you could either make you search queries more specific or use the blacklist filter. See the example config and the docs for more info

For the first, I didn't mean to implement a feature to process forms to enter details but just to block tweets that require you to follow a link. Like "To enter the conest, follow this link and enter your information". Then ignore.

I'm not sure how the blacklist works. Does it search for any of the words given or does follow regular expressions? What I mean: If there is "follow this link" in blacklist, does it search for every word in that tweet or does it search for the exact term "follow this link". Sometimes contest are only available in a specific country. Those tweets say for example "US only". If I put this in the blacklist, will it search for "US only" or will it also ignore posts like "To win, you only need to follow us."

johnbuluba commented 5 years ago

@Ianmcmill When i said first i meant this:

I would like to be able to read the retweet queue. Just for the verbose-addicted users here. The --l FILENAME is rather simple a output log. Maybe more verbose details would be cool too.

There is a --debug flag but i dont think it prints the queue (i wrote i years ago, i dont remember :P)

For the blacklist it is pretty dumb. It search the exact text without case sensitivity, no regex or anything fancy. In your example if you put "follow this link" it will search if the whole string in the text, it will not break it in words and search each one. So be careful, if for example put the keyword "a" will probably filter out everything :P

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

Another feature idea: Sometimes requirements to win is to follow two or more persons. I guess this would work with normal search queries if regex were supported?

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

And one more. Notifiers: I don't like to have a pushbullet app on my phone/pc nor do I easily put plain text passwords in a config file. So another, very straightforward method is to send a DM to another twitter account with "Hey! I've won" It seems that I need to undust my python-turtle 101 lessons

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

I went through some of the retweets and found some methods that seem that should prevent bots from winning. Examples: Follow a different twitter account "Follow @differentaccount" "Follow @user1 + @user2" "follow differentUser" Note: no @ before differentUser

reply with your name reply with your birthday reply with the last n letters/characters of your username post last n(sometimes number emoji) characters of your twitter username

johnbuluba commented 5 years ago

@Ianmcmill For following multiple users there is already an option in config but it just follows all users tha are mentioned in the post (must be in the format @user)

Α notifier to send dm would be easy to implement. Maybe when i have some spare time a will implement it

The reply with * stuff i think would be difficult to implement and very error prone. But we could collect example tweets like that to see if we can accept these kind of actions somehow

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

@Ianmcmill For following multiple users there is already an option in config but it just follows all users tha are mentioned in the post (must be in the format @user)

Α notifier to send dm would be easy to implement. Maybe when i have some spare time a will implement it

The reply with * stuff i think would be difficult to implement and very error prone. But we could collect example tweets like that to see if we can accept these kind of actions somehow

I haven't notice this one. This is great. I would like to help and try out different methods on my own but my programming skills are rather mediocre. I tried to go through the code and I understand parts of it but as of yet I could not write my own code.

Ianmcmill commented 5 years ago

I just found out that search querie terms are split up and every word in it is searched for. I found a tweet containing the words "Retweet" "to" "win" but not as a coherent phrases. The search phrase in the queries is written as "retweet to win" but still the tweet was retweetet.

Fot3k commented 5 years ago

Hi, nice bot, better than what I have used previously!

Following on from what @Ianmcmill mentioned above me, we could do with a way to match a phrase rather than each individual word. Having to put words into the blacklist to avoid catching them but this list is growing pretty large and doesn't solve the single 'win' term which tends to bring up a lot of politics.

The bot I used before would allow for search strings such as enter+to+win or "enter to win" so it would search only these exact phrases.

Much appreciate your work.

calvin2000001 commented 5 years ago

hi! Can you add ETH and different bitcoin addresses to posts that say: Comment your ETH address Something like that? and different ones for different addresses so we can put our address in the config? that would be fun!

mr-tchoo commented 5 years ago

Another interesting feature would be to completely ignore tweets which include certain URLs which redirect to certain popular raffle sites. (;; ...) Thanks for your work. :)

hansfzlorenzana commented 4 years ago

Can a "comment x" feature be added where x can be telegram username, done, btc address, etc